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"Get into bed, effendi," Jeremy advised me, feeding the cue back, since I was in the middle of the stage. "Not into that bed!" I answered, shaking my head solemnly. "That f'ler put snakes in on purpose. Why's he sober when I'm drunk? I won't sleep in bed with sober man. Let him get drun' too, an' both see snakes. Then I'll sleep with him!"

The bully sipped at his highball and deliberately selected another knife. To Bucky's swift inspection it was plain he had drunk too much and that a very little slip might make an end of the boy. The fascinated horror in the lad's gaze showed that he realized his danger. "Now, f'ler cit'zens, I will continue for your 'musement by puttin' next two knives on right and lef' sides of his cheek.

The waiter appeared at the door. "Bringsh drinksh," said the man. The waiter disappeared with the orders. "Zat f'ler damn fool," cried the man. "He insul' me! I'm ge'man! Can' stan' be insul'! I'm goin' lickim when comes!" "No, no," cried the women, crowding about and trying to subdue him. "He's all right! He didn't mean anything! Let it go! He's a good fellah!"

The waiter appeared at the door. "Bringsh drinksh," said the man. The waiter disappeared with the orders. "Zat f'ler fool!" cried the man. "He insul' me! I'm ge'man! Can' stan' be insul'! I'm goin' lickim when comes!" "No, no!" cried the women, crowding about and trying to subdue him. "He's all right! He didn't mean anything! Let it go! He's a good fellah!"

"Here," said he, quite magnificently, "here's quar'." The waiter kept his hands on his tray. "I don' want yer money," he said. The other put forth the coin with tearful insistence. "Here, damn it," cried he, "tak't! Yer damn goo' f'ler an' I wan' yehs tak't!" "Come, come, now," said the waiter, with the sullen air of a man who is forced into giving advice. "Put yer mon in yer pocket!

Yer loaded an' yehs on'y makes a damn fool of yerself." As the latter passed out of the door the man turned pathetically to the women. "He don' know I'm damn goo' f'ler," cried he, dismally. "Never you mind, Pete, dear," said a woman of brilliance and audacity, laying her hand with great affection upon his arm. "Never you mind, old boy! We'll stay by you, dear!"

Yer loaded an' yehs on'y makes a fool of yerself." As the latter passed out of the door the man turned pathetically to the women. "He don' know I'm goo' f'ler," cried he, dismally. "Never you mind, Pete, dear," said the woman of brilliance and audacity, laying her hand with great affection upon his arm. "Never you mind, old boy! We'll stay by you, dear!"

Looking lovingly at him they raised their glasses and drank his health. "Girlsh," said the man, bcsccchingly, "I allus trea's yehs ri', didn' I? I'm goo' f'ler, ain' I, girlsh?" "Sure!" again they chorused. "Well," said he finally, "le's have nozzer drink, zen." "That's right," hailed a woman, "that's right. Yer no bloomin' jay! Yer spends yer money like a man. Dat's right."

He spoke at length and with feeling, concerning the excellencies of his assembled friends. "Don' try pull man's leg, but have a heluva time! Das right! Das way teh do! Now, if I sawght yehs tryin' work me fer drinks, wouldn' buy damn t'ing! But yer right sort, damn it! Yehs know how ter treat a f'ler, an' I stays by yehs 'til spen' las' cent! Das right!

Yehs know how ter treat a f'ler, an' I stays by yehs 'til spen' las' cent! Das right! I'm good f'ler an' I knows when an'body treats me right!" Between the times of the arrival and departure of the waiter, the man discoursed to the women on the tender regard he felt for all living things.