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Other men of business, besides James Peake, made similar exclamations that morning; for the collapse of Eardley Brothers, the great earthenware manufacturers, who were chiefly responsible for the ruinous cutting of prices in the American and Colonial markets, was no ordinary trade fiasco.

"Oh, good heavens!" cried Sibyl. "Were you in THERE? Oh, I wouldn't " She seized Mrs. Sheridan's arm, pulling her toward the stairway. "Come on, mother Sheridan!" she urged, and as the befuddled and confused lady obeyed, Sibyl left a trail of noisy exclamations: "Good gracious! Oh, I wouldn't too bad! I didn't DREAM he was there! I wouldn't hurt his feelings! Not for the world!

Amid the soft juicy vegetation of the hollow in which they sat, the motionless and the uninhabited solitude, intruded the chink of guineas, the rattle of dice, the exclamations of the reckless players. Wildeve had lifted the box as soon as the lights were obtained, and the solitary die proclaimed that the game was still against him.

Snubby Turner was not destined to continue his explanation at that moment, for before he had time to go on with what he had in mind the sound of excited exclamations came from the corridor, and some one, after knocking loudly on the door, turned the knob and thrust in his head. Teeny-bits and Snubby saw that it was Fred Harper. "Have you heard the news?" the newcomer cried.

The fellow's voice seemed choking in his ecstasy, and only could express itself in such interjections as "Oigh! oigh! Ay! ay! it's lang since she's seen ye!" and other exclamations equally brief, expressed in the same unknown tongue in which he had communicated with my conductor while we were on the outside of the jail door.

Now Libbie had overcome the great difficulty of conveying Franky to the boat, by offering to "slay" for a coach, and the shouts and exclamations of the neighbours told them that their conveyance awaited them at the bottom of the court.

They accompanied me a considerable way, with such laudatory exclamations that I was reduced to blushing at the discrepancy between praise and thing praised. Their chief point, which they were absolutely unanimous in emphasizing, was that the substance of my work was so fresh, so crammed with novelty. I had better give you their actual phrases: 'How new! What paradoxes, to be sure!

Among them the holy father showered his blessing, accompanied by signs of the cross, which were met with devout exclamations by such of the worshippers as crowded around him: "To thee, reverend father, we apply for pardon for our offences, which we humbly desire to confess to thee, in order that we may obtain pardon from Heaven."

"As they had never read or heard about life outside Jerusalem, it was most amusing to hear their exclamations of wonder; for they could hardly believe what I told them was true, till our old lady confirmed our statements. "First, they wanted to know how young men and women behaved toward each other.

Jones' remarks were lost, drowned by others, by questions, exclamations, the drivel that amazement creates. "But, I say " "Tell me this " "No evidence!" "The stiletto his!" "How did Lennox get it?" "Then what about " Dunwoodie, fastening on Jones, roared at him. "You tell me the instrument is yours?" Jones patted his chin. "I did not, but I will." "How do you know, sir?"