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Crew thinks him enough eddicated even for the Ministry. He does, and that's a smart lot. I guess he'll get along all right." Delighted with the expression of intent happiness in his daughter's eyes, he continued: "He's young yet, and couldn't be expected to hev done the studyin' and law and every-thin'. You kin be sartin that the old man'll do all he knows to help start you fair. All I kin.

She wondered how she should get books to read. It was difficult. Besides, couldn't he see that she was quick and would learn every-thin' afterwards if he'd be good to her. Why did he act so? Why! Bancroft went to the meeting, and found the house crowded.

I'd blow the whole darned thing into nothin' at all an that old devil Adam with it. I'd " Little Maggie caught her warlike brother's arm. "But, Bobby Bobby, yer wouldn't dast to do that, yer know yer wouldn't!" "Huh," returned the boy, scornfully. "I'd show yer if I had a chanct." "But, Bobby, yer'd maybe kill the beautiful princess lady if yer was to blow up the castle an' every-thin'."

I never see a ship abandoned at sea, myself, but I ain't no doubt but what it made 'em feel kind o' shivery when they looked aft along her decks, and not a soul in sight, and every-thin' bleached, and gray, and iron-rusted, and the riggin' all slack and white's though it had been chawed, and nothin' left of her sails but some old rags flappin' like a last year's scarecrow.

The logger rose to his feet. "H'lo, Benton," he greeted thickly. "How's every-thin'?" Benton's answer was a quick lurch of his body and a smashing jab of his clenched fist. The blow stretched the logger on his back, with blood streaming from both nostrils. But he was a hardy customer, for he bounced up like a rubber ball, only to be floored even more viciously before he was well set on his feet.

"Tell me all every-thin' you can call home all what her said of him." "Fust she thot a 'mazin' deal 'bout en," explained the farmer; "then time made her mind get stale of en, an' she begin to see us was right. He sent money a thousand pound, an' I poor fool thot Joan weern't mistook at fust. But 'twas awnly conscience money; an' now Thomasin's the better for't by will."