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'But surely this is something altogether new, Amenda, she said; 'you must have often met soldiers when you've been out in London? "'Oh yes, one or two at a time, walking about anyhow, I can stand that all right. It's when there's a lot of them with a band that I lose my head. "'You don't know what it's like, mum, she added, noticing Ethelbertha's puzzled expression; 'you've never had it.

They would arrive soaked; and we would shut them up in different bunks, and leave them to strip themselves and put on things of Ethelbertha's or of mine. But Ethel and I, in those days, were slim, so that stout, middle-aged people in our clothes neither looked well nor felt happy.

I looked for my hat; it was lying topsy-turvy in the middle of the path, and Ethelbertha's favourite hound was swallowing the balls as fast as he could pick them up. "He will kill himself," said Ebbson I have never met him since that day, thank the Lord; but I think his name was Ebbson "they are solid steel." I said: "I am not troubling about the dog.

The man to whom, at the end of the first month, we tried to sub-let it, characterised it as "poky." In our letters we traversed this definition. In our hearts we agreed with it. At first, however, its size or, rather, its lack of size was one of its chief charms in Ethelbertha's eyes.

It is sometimes a good thing to slacken the strain a bit." On thinking over Ethelbertha's words afterwards, have come to see their wisdom; but at the time I admit I was hurt and indignant. "If your desire," I said, "is to get rid of me "

I could not myself see any reason why we should not be able to think as well on a houseboat as anywhere else, and accordingly it was settled that I should go down and establish myself upon the thing, and that the others should visit me there from time to time, when we would sit round and toil. This houseboat was Ethelbertha's idea.

Ethelbertha's chief object in life at this period was to surprise and shock Amenda, and her chief sorrow that she had never succeeded in doing so. She had hoped great things from this announcement, but the girl remained unmoved. "Oh, are you, mum," she replied; and went on to speak of other matters.

Ethelbertha's one hope was that she might reach the wreckage in time to receive Veronica's last wishes. It was in this order that we arrived at the St. Leonards'. Veronica, under an awning, sipping iced sherbet, appeared to be the centre of the party. She was recounting her experiences with a modesty that had already won all hearts.

I fancy that the fact of my three collaborators being all bachelors diminished somewhat our chances of success, in Ethelbertha's mind. Against bachelors, as a class, she entertains a strong prejudice.

"'You don't know what it's like, mum, she added, noticing Ethelbertha's puzzled expression; 'you've never had it. I only hope you never may. "We kept a careful watch over Amenda during the remainder of our stay at Folkestone, and an anxious time we had of it.