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"She is on our side, and I honestly believe that she means getting that paper." "But she hasn't even the entrée to the house now," Weiss objected. "There are plenty of the servants there," Littleson answered, "whom she must know very well, and through whom she could get in, especially if Phineas is really up in his room.

I saw much of him at the beginning of our acquaintance, but as his many amiable qualitie became better known, I found myself almost continually in his society, indeed as I have something to confess in the business, I could hardly choose a better opportunity than the present, did I not recollect that the good duc d'Aiguillon is waiting all this while for me to announce the entree of our party into the ante-room of Madame de Valentinois.

Thereafter for an hour the two of them drank tea uncomfortably as often as it was given them, and while the Honourable George undoubtedly made his impression, I could not but regret that he had so few conversational graces. How different, I reflected, had been my own entree into this county society!

But at the same time it seemed to him but fair to live, as long as it would last, on that part of his capital which his creditors would have given nothing for namely, his information; and he set to work to write. But, alas! he had but a 'small literary connection; and the entree of the initiated ring is not obtained in a day. . . . Besides, he would not write trash.

Rives, appointed him honorary attache to his own embassy, a great social advantage to the young man, who was thereby enabled to obtain the entree into court circles in every country that he visited.

He will appear again on the scene hereafter, but for the present I must lay him aside, whilst I return to my entree to the saloon, which I was about to enter. Immediately after Lebel had conducted me into it, he was called away, and quitted us. The king rose and approached me, saluting me with the most admirable gallantry, and addressing to me the most encouraging and gratifying words.

From self-indulgence to self-denial even though inspired by terror is a far cry. And Trixton Brent had evidently prepared his menu with a satanic purpose. "What! No entree, Lula? I had that sauce especially for you." "Oh, Trixy, did you really? How sweet of you!" And her liquid eyes regarded, with an almost equal affection, first the master and then the dish.

You know he has the entree of the Athenee, where two or three of his nephews, the sons of his eldest sister, Madame de Melcy, are students. You know the court of the Athenee is on the other side of the high wall bounding your walk, the allee defendue.

We shall grin and shout meaningless phrases over the fish, entrée and salad about life, death and the eternal verities; but we shall be sick to death of each other in ten minutes. Let's cut it out and go home!" You are obliged, however, to escort your middle-aged comrade downstairs and take your seat beside her with a flourish, as if you were playing Rudolph to her Flavia.

You've got some authority over your wife, I suppose? Use it. Stop this cackle about the letter: make her shut her mouth; I can't afford to lose the entrée to two houses like your father-in-law's and your own, just now. I can be discreet too it shall be mouth for mouth.