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If any happened, the wise-ones interposed, and soon put an end to the difference. In all my travels I never met with happier or more gently disposed persons than the people of the Male and Female Islands of Engano.

We have no room on the Islands of Engano for strangers." I now bethought me of how I might best set about the task of vanquishing the monster which held the Female Island in terror, and which, from the description given me by the wise-ones, I judged to be a crocodile.

Of these islands the most southern is Engano, which is still but very imperfectly known, all attempts to open a friendly communication with the natives having hitherto proved fruitless; and in truth they have had but too much reason to consider strangers attempting to land on their coast as piratical enemies.

"None could make their way back through the tunnel against the stream." "At least, tell me then," I continued, "your name, for what purpose I am brought here, and whither you are taking me." "My name is Sylvia Cervantes," replied my captor, proudly. "As to why you are brought here, ask the wise-ones whom you shall presently see. Yonder islands are the Islands of Engano."

Ah, sir, I should like to tell you a great deal more, but have not the time now. I am afraid I am forgetting myself. Where was I?" "Becalmed off Cape San Engano," promptly replied the skipper, sailor fashion "at least, so you said, colonel; but I fancy you must have had a little rougher weather in that latitude than you mentioned at first!" "We had," said Colonel Vereker meaningly.

"Salomon, of course, at once despatched his myrmidons after them, but having a few hours' start of the pursuers the runaway revolutionists contrived to clear off from Port au Prince, concealing themselves in the mountain fastnesses at the eastern end of the island. "Here, while in hiding, they saw the Saint Pierre rounding Cape San Engano.

All further communication with the inhabitants being interrupted by this imprudent quarrel, and the purposes of the expedition thereby frustrated, it was not thought advisable to remain any longer at Engano, and Mr. Miller, after visiting some parts of the southern coast of Sumatra, returned to Fort Marlborough.

The account may be true, but without further authentication such stories are not to be too implicitly credited on the faith of a people who are fond of the marvellous and addicted to exaggeration. Thus they believed the inhabitants of the island Engano to be all females, who were impregnated by the wind, like the mares in Virgil's Georgics.

This would give a difference of 80° 45', and would place Saona in 87° 3' W. But it is only in 68° 30' W. leaving an error in the text of 19° 30' or an hour and eighteen minutes in time. Now called Cape Engano. Summary of Occurrences in Hispaniola, to the return of Columbus into Spain from his second Voyage.

From that period Engano had only been incidentally noticed, until in March 1771 Mr. Richard Wyatt, then governor, and the council of Fort Marlborough, sent Mr. Charles Miller in a vessel belonging to the Company to explore the productions of this island.