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Volodya Chaplinsky, agitated by this conversation, suddenly asked: "Yes, but tell me, Ellena Victorovna, what would you want to distract your imagination and ennui?" She looked at him with her enigmatic eyes and answered quietly, even a trifle shyly, it seemed: "Formerly, people lived more gaily and did not know prejudices of any sort.

That which you said was, between us, paradoxical; but then, how it was said! ... To this day I remember the tone of your voice, so warm, expressive ... And so, Ellena Victorovna," he turned to Rovinskaya again, sitting down on a small, low chair without a back, "in what can I be of use to you? I am at your disposal."

On the way to Yamskaya Street Rovinskaya said to Chaplinsky: "You'll bring me at first into the most luxurious place, then into a medium one, and then into the filthiest." "My dear Ellena Victorovna," warmly retorted Chaplinsky, "I'm ready to do everything for you.

Everybody in society knows this and receives them ... Ah, the poor little thing, the poor little thing! ..." "And so I've come to you, Ellena Victorovna. I wouldn't have dared to disturb you, but I seem to be in a forest, and have no one to turn to.

Ellena Victorovna was leaning upon his arm. And suddenly she asked: "Tell me, Volodya, where do you usually go when you take leave of so-called decent women?" Volodya hemmed and hawed. However, he knew positively that he could not lie to Rovinskaya. "M-m-m ... I'm afraid of offending your hearing. To the Tzigani, for instance ... to night cabarets ..." "And somewhere else? Worse?"

Levy, and other lady prisoners had all been more or less prominent in Southern society at Washington, and had made trips over the underground railroad between Alexandria and Richmond. Also an English lady, Mrs. Ellena Low, who had been arrested at Boston, with her son, who had crossed the ocean bearing a commission in the Confederate army.

"That's why I'm saying, let's drop this experiment." "No, in any case I am going through with it to the finish. Show me something simpler, more of the medium." Volodya Chaplinsky, who was all the time in a torment over Ellena Victorovna, offered the most likely thing to drop into the establishment of Anna Markovna, which was only ten steps away.

The remaining two agreed to this, unwillingly, in all probability; but there was no possibility of opposing Ellena Victorovna. She always did everything that she wanted to. And then they had all heard and knew that in Petersburg carousing worldly ladies, and even girls, permit themselves, out of a modish snobbism, pranks far worse than the one which Rovinskaya had proposed.

"He will come right away," said Rovinskaya, hanging up the receiver. "He is a charming and awfully clever man. Everything is possible to him, even the almost impossible to man ... But in the meantime ... pardon me your name?" Tamara was abashed, but then smiled at herself: "Oh, it isn't worth your disturbing yourself, Ellena Victorovna!