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Madame Dumay, whose parents were farmers accustomed to a life of economy, was quite satisfied to receive only two thousand four hundred francs of her own and her household expenses; so that every year Dumay laid by two thousand and some extra hundreds with the house of Mignon.

Modeste was a pure young girl, inquisitive after knowledge, understanding her destiny, and filled with chastity, the Virgin of Spain rather than the Madonna of Raphael. She raised her head when she heard Dumay say to Exupere, "Come here, young man." Seeing them together in the corner of the salon she supposed they were talking of some commission in Paris.

It is plain you've just come from China." The impertinence of Modeste's speech was heightened by a little air of contemptuous disdain which she purposely put on, and which fairly astounded Madame Mignon, Madame Latournelle, and Dumay. As for Madame Latournelle, she opened her eyes so wide she no longer saw anything.

"I know what you are capable of, Dumay," she said; "and if you take one step against Monsieur de Canalis, I shall take another out of this house, to which I will never return." "You will kill your mother, mademoiselle," replied Dumay, who left the room and called his wife. The poor mother was indeed half-fainting, struck to the heart by Modeste's words.

The father had eased the watch-dog's mind as to Modeste and her love affairs; the guard was relieved, and Butscha's innocence established. "It is all for the best, my old Dumay," said the count, who had been making certain inquiries of Mongenod respecting Canalis and La Briere. "We are going to have two actors for one part!" he cried gaily.

But we are all deceiving ourselves; Modeste never raised her veil, and her clothes were huddled on like a beggar-woman's " "And she said she was ill," cried the notary; "but she has taken off her mufflings and is just as well as she ever was." "It is incomprehensible!" said Dumay. "Not at all," said the notary; "it is now as clear as day."

Use me as you would a vigilant watch-dog; I will obey you, protect you, and never bark; neither will I condemn you. I ask only to be of service to you. Your father has made Dumay keeper of the hen-roost, take Butscha to watch outside, poor Butscha, who doesn't ask for anything, not so much as a bone."

I wondered all along that fate should be so kind to me; I knew it was all a mistake." "Bah! we will see about that," said Canalis with inhuman gaiety. That evening, after dinner, Charles Mignon and Dumay, were flying, by virtue of three francs to each postilion, from Paris to Havre.

Dumay, who had come to box the ears of a scribbling nobody, found himself confronted by a high functionary of the state. The salon where he was told to wait offered, as a topic for his meditations, the insignia of the Legion of honor glittering on a black coat which the valet had left upon a chair.

"Butscha, my dear fellow, has gone to Paris. He heard some news of his father this morning on the quays, from a Swedish sailor. It seems the father went to the Indies and served a prince, or something, and he is now in Paris." "Lies! it's all a trick! infamous! I'll find that damned cripple if I've got to go express to Paris for him," cried Dumay.