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Curtains of green and gray chintz, bordered with worsted galloon, cut out and arranged by Miss Dimpleton, and placed on slight rods of black iron, draperied the windows; and the bed was covered with a quilt of the same make and material.

The ride embraced a circuit of ten miles, in which they passed only two houses. The first of these was built with an apparent regard to convenience and comfort, and even some effort at adornment, as manifested in the climbing plants with which the windows were draperied, and the flowers which adorned the little court in front. Mr.

"Concini a Marshal of France!" exclaimed simultaneously the Ducs de Guise, d'Epernon, and de Bellegarde, who were standing together; and then there was a dead silence as the draperied door closed upon the exulting favourite. Rec. vol. iii. pp. 23, 24. D'Estrées, Mém. pp. 398, 399. Bassompierre, Mém. p. 80. Mézeray, vol. xi. pp. 40, 41. He died in 1650.

The matter was grave, so grave, that putting on one side all the intermediaries of valets and maids, which they made use of in their conjugal dialogues, he ran up the stairs four steps at once like a gust of wind, and entered the draperied rooms of the Levantine.

As the girl reached the landing, the old woman opened a door on her left and ushered her into a bright, glaring room, filled up with cheap new furniture, in which blinding colors and bad taste predominated. Through this sitting-room the girl passed into a bedroom, where, also, the furniture was in scarlet and gilt, except the white draperied bed and the dressing-table.

At this inn I was fain to take up my abode for the night, and was conducted to a little whitewashed bedchamber, draperied with scanty dimity and smelling of apples the humblest, commonest cottage chamber, but clean and decent, and with a certain countrified aspect which was pleasing to me.

"I will blight him, as the Lord liveth; as the Lord liveth, I will blight him..." he said repeatedly, his draperied arms spread in pompous imprecation. As a beginning, he sat and wrote to Reid's Bank, requesting the payment in gold of L14,000 to produce a stoppage of payment at the little Bank in which were Richard's savings.

Before they entered, they allowed him time to examine its costly furniture, its glittering book-cases, bird-cages, globes, and reading-stands, all shining with burnished gilding; its polished plaster casts of the nine muses, which stood in nine recesses about the room, draperied with blue net, looped up with artificial roses; and its fine cut-steel Grecian stove, on each side of which was placed, on sandal-wood pedestals, two five-feet statues of Apollo and Minerva.

Its upper portion was draperied by one of the loose open sleeves now in fashion. This extended but little below the elbow.

The cottage itself is built for coolness, and the broad piazza is draperied with vines, which keep out the sun from the shaded parlor. The way to make the most of a summer's day in a place like this is to rise at four, mount your horse and ride through the lanes for two hours, finding breakfast ready on your return.