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But this good clerk shall see hills that could hide him were all the Douglasses on his quest ay, and he shall see men enough also to make them glad to get once more southward of the Grampians. And wherefore should you not go with the good man? I will send a party to bring him in safety from Perth, and we will set up the old trade beyond Loch Tay only no more cutting out of gloves for me.

But, indeed, to what purpose should the ancient Douglasses have employed his principles, even if they had known them in ever so much perfection? Wheel-carriages, except of the most clumsy description, and for the most simple operations of agriculture, were totally unknown. Even the most delicate female had no resource save a horse, or, in case of sore infirmity, a litter.

"The Black Douglasses," said the King, with a sigh, "are a race which will not be said nay.

I may want thy help, too, for here are five or six of the Douglasses before us: they will not fail to try to take the wench from a poor burgher like myself, so I will be glad of the assistance of a tearer such as thou art." "I thank ye I thank ye," answered the bonnet maker; "but were I not better run and cause ring the common bell, and get my great sword?"

To their shame be it said he induced a number of the Scottish nobles, the Douglasses, the Earls of Cassilis, Glencairn, Bothwell, and Angus, together with many others, to agree to his designs and to promise their assistance. Unmindful of their duty to Scotland they consented to sell both their country and their religion for English gold.

The Scots are very brave people. There is scarce a great family in the kingdom that cannot boast of some exploits performed by its ancestors many hundred years ago. There's your Douglasses, Gordons, Campbells, Hamiltons. We have no such ancient families here in England. Then you are all very well educated.

As they hurried out of the house, they heard the old man talking and muttering to himself, as he hastily drew bolt and bar behind them. "The revenge of the Douglasses will reach the poor old man," said the Queen. "God help me, I ruin every one whom I approach!" "His safety is cared for," said Seyton; "he must not remain here, but will be privately conducted to a place of greater security.

"Methinks," said the Queen, carelessly, "in consideration of so very recent and enormous a tragedy, which I think only chanced some six-score years agone, the Douglasses should have shown themselves less tenacious of the company of their sovereigns, than you, Lady of Lochleven, seem to be of mine."

Mary's Isle, with its very thick stone wall on one side, evidently had been a keep or castle. It was at one time given to the church and became a monastery, then it was enlarged and improved to become the dwelling of the family of the Douglasses, which it is to this day. But now the far cry from Red River reverberated across the Atlantic.