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"Well, when he sez that my old bean give a sort of throb, and I sez: 'Don't bother your nut about the priest. He'll be forthcomin' when and if needed. "So, while Reilly was explainin' to his six doughboys and Rathbone was bringin' Napoleon One up to date, me and the widow and the marine goes over to superintend the two birds diggin' the grave.

A couple of tents were secured to provide temporary sleeping accommodation and the men lined up in the chow line with the doughboys at meal-time. The six Salvationists pulled off their coats at once and went to work, much to the amusement of a few curious soldiers who stood idly watching them.

The rear-guard was led by Captain Edmund Cook, "with red colours striped with yellow, with a hand and sword for his device." Each of them carried a scrip or satchel containing "three or four cakes of bread," or doughboys, weighing half-a-pound apiece, with some modicum of turtle flesh. "For drink the rivers afforded enough."

These same girls a few days before had fed seven hundred weary doughboys on their march to the front with coffee, hot biscuits and jam. In one of the Salvation Army huts one night the usual noisy cheerfulness was in the air, but apart from the rest sat a boy with a letter open on the table before him and a dreamy smile of tender memories upon his face.

"When the doughboys were told that they were going over the top at the zero hour, you never heard shouting to equal it; the Board of Trade on a Monday morning was just a whisper in comparison. "Dad, that is the general feeling of our boys over here always waiting to move up.

Then they would close up, fire as though by platoons, and come on slowly. Suddenly the comparative slowness of the rifle fire was broken by the staccato explosions of a machine-gun. It opened on the left of the position taken up by Jimmy and his chums, and in an instant had mowed down several doughboys. "Take what cover you can!" shouted a lieutenant. "Where's that gun? Did any one notice?"

Their chow kitchen is in a bad place, all men coming down sick. I had an arrangement with the doughboys that they might come in my dugout any hour in the night, whenever they wanted. I visited infantry officers to-day, Capt. Cribbs and Capt. Crisp. I had a lovely talk with them. I offered to go to the trenches with my goods, but Capt.

Pistols were drawn, but the doughboys knocked them out of the conspirators' hands, and in a twinkling had the men gripped and powerless. The doctor crammed some papers into his mouth with the evident intention of swallowing them, but Tom's sinewy hands were at his throat and choked them out. It was all over in a few moments. The surprise had been so great that resistance was futile.

Someone Blunders About Medicine Stores Spanish Influenza At Sea And No Medicine Improvised Hospitals At Time Of Landing Getting Results In Spite Of Red Tape Raising Stars And Stripes To Hold The Hospital Aid Of American Red Cross Doughboys Dislike British Hospital Starting American Receiving Hospital Blessings On The Medical Men.

We will now turn to the story of the first battalion penetrating with bayonets far up the Vaga River. Second Battalion Lands To Protect Diplomatic Corps Colonel Tschaplin's Coup d'Etat Is Undone By Ambassador Francis Doughboys Parade And Practice New Weapons Scowling Solombola Sailors Description Of Archangel American Headquarters.