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And with a volley of jokes between the cabs and a laughing and yelling between toots, down went Sankey's double-header again into the Blackwood gorge. At the same moment, by an awful misunderstanding of orders, down came the big rotary from the west end with a dozen cars of coal behind.

And the second time the bumping drummed more deeply; the drivers held, pushed, panted, and gained against the white wall; heaved and stumbled ahead; and with a yell from Sinclair and Sankey and the fireman, the double-header shot her nose into the clear over the Blackwood gorge.

From this time they had so much work to do in bill heads, tickets, envelopes, etc., that they led a calm life of unbroken industry, laying aside one quarter of their earnings each week as a fund for future stock and dividing the other three quarters equally between them. The little village of H is a sort of double-header, having a centre at each end, so to speak.

The whistles screamed. The bells clanged. Smoke poured from the stacks of the double-header, and the freshening sun, a short time later, glinted upon the white-splotched equipment, as the great auger followed by its lesser allies, bored into the mass of snow at Bander Cut. Hours of backing and filling, of retreats and attacks, hours in which there came, time after time, the opportunity to quit.

If Bob West sells a plow we've got to mention the name of the farmer who bought it; if there's a wedding, we'll make a double-header of it; if a baby is born, we will will " "Print its picture in the paper. Eh, Uncle John?" This from Beth. "Of course," said Mr. Merrick. "You must print all the home news, as well as the news of the world."

Dense and choking, from beneath the whirring wheels the dust-clouds rose in tawny billows that enveloped the rearmost coaches and, mingling with the black smoke of the "double-header" engines, rolled away in the dreary wake.

They interpret a city by its leading all-night restaurant; a nation by the demi-mondaine who happens to be nearest their table. For them, there is no But hark, what is that? What is that strange sound that comes to me? "Extra! Evening Telegram, extra! All 'bout the Giants win double-header!" A newsboy in neuralgic yowl, bawling in the street below.

I must confess to having been sorely disappointed with this sight of royalty, for I thought a king must be an extraordinary being, expecting to see a double-header, as kings and queens are pictured on playing cards, the kings holding scepters in their left hands and bearing a ball with their right, but I saluted and shouted as everyone else did, and when my sisters pelted the royal equipage with their roses I shied my cap at his majesty, at which the people who saw this laughed as loudly as they dared in the presence of a king.

"And, of course, we the Dodgers, that is won the pennant the next year, and I had one of the best years I ever had. I think I had an earned run average of about one and a half in 1916. And then we won the pennant again in 1920. So everything worked out pretty well. "One day when I was pitching for Brooklyn, I pitched the first game of a double-header against Boston and beat them, one to zip!

No accounting for tastes, hey? Whoa boy! There's where I nearly took a double-header. If I should fall now, I wouldn't have so far to go." "You won't fall," said Tom with a note of admiring confidence in his brief remark. "Better knock wood," came the cheery answer from above.