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"I don't believe it," asserted Mr. Latham tartly. "It's impossible! I don't believe it!" And sat down. "Id don'd madder much whedher you belief id or nod," remarked the German in a tone of resignation. "If id iss, id iss. Und all dose diamonds in your place und mine are nod worth much more by der bushel as potatoes." Mr.

I don'd know, Laadham, I don'd know. Der longer I lif der more I don'd know." The two men completed a scant luncheon in silence. "Obviously," remarked Mr.

Presently, the forward door opened, and a young man with a very sallow complexion entered. He wore a kind of dark blue jumper, the only semblance of which to a uniform was that its few buttons were of brass. He was twirling his mustache and looked at Tom with very keen eyes. "Vell, we are not so pad, huh? Ve don'd kill you!" Tom did not know exactly what to say, so he said, "I got to thank you."

"Dot vos petter," complimented Hans; "bud id don'd peen loudt enough to blease Lieudenant Cordan." "Louder! louder!" ordered the yearlings. "Open your mouth and let the sound out. You can never expect to sing if you pen the words up in such a cavern as that."

"Ah don'd care das wass de mean treeck!" growled Dock into his beard. Weary opened his mouth, came near swallowing a dozen mosquitoes alive, and closed it again. What would it profit him to argue with a drunken man?

"All right I'll take your word for it, Dock. Tell me what's good for tin " "Aw, I knows you fellers. You t'inke Ole Dock, she Dock, she don'd know nothings! You t'ink " Weary sighed and turned to the crowd. "Which end of a jag is this?" he wanted to know. "I've got to get some uh that dope-wisdom out uh him, somehow. Patsy's a goner, sure, if I don't connect with some medicine."

"What kind of a limit suits you?" "Anything from five cents to the sky," was the laughing reply. "Fix it to suit yourselves." Once more Gage and Snell exchanged glances. Bart stuck for a moderate limit, but he finally agreed to make it a dollar, the ante being five cents. "Vell, uf I had pad luck, I don'd last long at dot," said Hans. "I don'd haf more as four tollars und sefen cends."