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Updated: August 19, 2024

THE STOLEN CHILD; a Tale, By CHARLOTTE ADAMS. 1s, 6d. THE DEAF and DUMB BOY; a Tale. By the Rev. W. FLETCHER. With Cuts. 2s. 6d. * INSECTS and their HABITATION. With Cuts. 1s. DOMESTICATED ANIMALS considered with reference to Civilization and the Arts. With Engravings. By MARY ROBERTS. 3s. 6d. By the same. 3s. 6d. With numerous Engravings. 2s. 1s. 6d. each.

Again, we find that the trigonae and meliponae, which are veritable and domesticated bees, though of less advanced civilisation, erect only one row of rearing-cells, and support their horizontal, superposed combs on shapeless and costly columns of wax.

Columbine, which is a wild plant with blue or white flowers, as well as a domesticated one, has a toxic principle like that of the monkshood, more especially in the seeds; and the pretty red berries of the mezereon are responsible for the deaths or illness of children nearly every autumn. They are like cherries, and easily picked from the low bushes on which they grow.

According to Darwin, sheep have been domesticated from a very ancient period, the remains of a small breed, differing from any now known, having been found in the famous Swiss lake-dwellings.

"He is at present tame, quiet, and domesticated, for lack of opportunity to exercise his inborn propensities; but let the trumpet of war sound let the young blood-hound snuff blood, he will be as ferocious as the wildest of his Border ancestors that ever fired a helpless peasant's abode.

Partly because he felt guilty at doing all these things without his wife, and partly because he was now very hungry, March turned from them and got back to his hotel, where she was looking out for him from their open window. She had the air of being long domesticated there, as she laughed down at seeing him come; and the continued brilliancy of the weather added to the illusion of home.

Rein-deer, which form the wealth of the Laplanders, serve them for food and clothing, draw them over pathless fields of snow in safety, and are the only species really domesticated. They eat a lichen which they find under the snow, during the winter, and live together in large herds.

These are often adjacent to the existing coasts sometimes, however, they are far inland, in certain instances as far as fifty miles. Their contents and position indicate for them a date posterior to that of the great extinct mammals, but prior to the domesticated. Some of these, it is said, cannot be less than one hundred thousand years old.

You can catch a wild animal in a trap, but to whip it would be sacrilege ... that might do for domesticated animals. "Josh never laid a hand on her, though, that night ... she never came home ... men are so awful in their pride, Johnnie ... don't you be like that when you grow to be a man...." Then Aunt Rachel said no more, as Paul came in at that moment. Nor did she resume the subject.

"'Among the magicians, were domesticated several animals of very singular kinds; for example, there was a huge horse whose bones were iron and whose blood was boiling water. "Twattle!" said the king. "Fa! lal!" said the king.

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