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You haf never pay me thot bet thee big bet thee one on thee wagon and thee horses. And you haf steal seex dolars, too! But I'm forgettin' thot, now, too. All right?" The other nodded grateful acceptance. Then, as if to show gratitude further, he very solicitously inquired into the matter, especially with reference to Felipe's discovery of the horse after all these years.

Mother said she gessed nobody wood dass to read it, but father said everybody would tumble over each other to read it, anyhow he wood give $1000 dolars if he had kept it. i told him i wood keep one regular if he wood give me a quarter of a dolar a week, but he said i had got to keep it anyhow and i woodent get no quarter for it neither, but he woodent ask to read it for a year, and i know he will forget it before that, so i am going to wright just what i want to in it.

"Thot li'l' caballo," he began, "he's bringin' me mooch good luck. Thot potrillo he's wort' seven he's wort' si eight dolars thot potrillo. I t'ink I haf sell heem, too queek in town! But first I must go cuttin' thee wood!" With this he let down the bars and entered the inclosure. Then his thoughts took an abrupt turn. "I keel thot Pedro Garcia soomtime bet you' life!

Father thot i aught to keep a diry, but i sed i dident want to, because i coodent wright well enuf, but he sed he wood give $1000 dolars if he had kept a diry when he was a boy.

I rite to say that weer starvin but the Kaid as they cals the guvner Here says heel take a ransum for us of 150 spanish dolars the Kaid has past his word in yoor name to the moors for that sum or theyd hav spiflikate us too.

"Thees potrillo," he observed, "he's bringin' me mooch good luck! He's " He suddenly interrupted himself, aware that the other was striding away. "Where you go now, Franke?" he asked, and then, quick to sense approaching trouble: "Never mind thee big bet, Franke! You can pay me ten dolars soom time! All right?" There was painful silence. "All right!" came the reply, finally, through the darkness.

I discharged all my old time laborers; and With The Coyote Kidd set out after Mink There are three or four distinct species of mink but the Dark are by far the most valuable, these inhabit the colder regions, they are worth between six dolars and fifteen per skin, according to the shade and size.