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He was beginning to feel that his journey had been rather precipitate.... But, behold, one day, as he was turning over a Frankfort directory, he came on the name: Von Doenhof, retired major.

Yes.... All these question he put to himself, but the time was moving on to three o'clock, and he put on a black frockcoat and after a turn in the park, went in to the Polozovs! Von Doenhof, the very officer with whom he had fought a few days before! He had not the slightest expectation of meeting him there and could not help being taken aback. He greeted him, however.

Sanin heard from him that the Roselli family had long, long ago emigrated to America, to New York; that Gemma had married a merchant; that he, Doenhof, had an acquaintance also a merchant, who would probably know her husband's address, as he did a great deal of business with America.

Doenhof promptly took leave with amiable docility, like a friend of the family who understands at half a word what is expected of him; the secretary showed signs of restiveness, but Maria Nikolaevna turned him out without any kind of ceremony. 'Really, dear madam, protested the luckless secretary, all the princesses in the world....

By the way, he added, dropping his voice, 'what about that Russian lady, who was staying, do you remember, about that time at Wiesbaden Madame von Bo ... von Bolozov, is she still living? 'No, answered Sanin, 'she died long ago. Doenhof looked up, but observing that Sanin had turned away and was frowning, he did not say another word, but took his leave.

'Are you acquainted? asked Maria Nikolaevna who had not failed to notice Sanin's embarrassment. 'Yes ... I have already had the honour, said Doenhof, and bending a little aside, in an undertone he added to Maria Nikolaevna, with a smile, 'The very man ... your compatriot ... the Russian ...

It was obvious that he was thoroughly used to such excursions; they constituted one of the sources of his income; each duel yielded him eight gold crowns four from each of the combatants. Herr von Richter carried a case of pistols, Herr von Doenhof probably considering it the thing was swinging in his hand a little cane.

The latter promptly ducked behind the bush again, and from there, all huddled together, his eyes screwed up, and his head turned away, he shouted at the top of his voice: 'Una ... due ... tre! The first shot was Sanin's, and he missed. His bullet went ping against a tree. Baron von Doenhof shot directly after him intentionally, to one side, into the air.

Sanin begged Doenhof to consult this friend, and, to his delight, Doenhof brought him the address of Gemma's husband, Mr. Jeremy Slocum, New York, Broadway, No. 501. Only this address dated from the year 1863. 'Let us hope, cried Doenhof, 'that our Frankfort belle is still alive and has not left New York!

He recalled the phlegmatic doctor, he recalled how he had grinned, that is, wrinkled up his nose when he saw him coming out of the wood almost arm-in-arm with Baron Doenhof. And afterwards when Pantaleone had paid him the four crowns due to him ... Ah! there was something nasty about it!