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The Queen, moreover, took pains to upbraid the states-general, by letter, with their disrespect and ingratitude towards the Duke of Anjou behaviour with which he had been "justly scandalized."

Moreover it led to disrespect for the law, and corruption for the police. It was not Commissioner Roosevelt's business whether the law was a wise one or not, but it was his business to enforce it. He enforced it, and had the saloons closed. As he said: "The howl that rose was deafening. The professional politicians raved. The yellow-press surpassed themselves in clamor and mendacity.

I intend no disrespect to this man, a cheerful and pleasant enough old person, but he had evidently lived himself out of the world, as completely as people usually die out of it. His only remaining value was to the moralist, who might perchance make something out of him.

Go to the Whale River if you will, but don't fight with any one that is my advice, and my hair is grey." "It is white, old man, if you only saw it," murmured Anteek, with native disrespect. He was too good-natured, however, to let his thoughts be heard. "Come, Oolalik," said Mangivik, "you are a stout and a wise young man, let us hear what you have got to say."

He did not intend to make any sign of disrespect: he simply avoided shouting, or showing that he was pleased at the arrival of the Prince, when suddenly he found his arm seized by a person with a firm grasp. "What want you with me?" he asked, looking up, and almost expecting to see the person who had before warned him that Master Gresham was in danger.

The Second reason why covenant-breaking is such a land destroying sin is, because it is a solemn and serious thing to enter into covenant with God; a matter of such great weight and importance, that it is impossible but God should be exceedingly provoked with these that slight it, and disrespect it.

'Ah, but you know, mother, I object to wearing crape on the ground that it isn't allowable for us to sorrow as them that have no hope: and I'm sure I'm paying no disrespect to dear Aunt Sarah's memory in this matter, for she was always the first herself, you remember, to wish that I should follow the dictates of my own conscience.

"No, brother, it was she who showed disrespect to me, simply because I objected to her bullying my wife." "Do you mean to say that Barabau has lied?" thundered Samarendra. His brother was nettled by the tone adopted. He replied hotly, "Yes, she has lied!" "What!" asked Samarendra beside himself with indignation. "Is my wife a liar and are you a Judisthir?" "You are a creature without shame!"

The foolish conduct of the mother inspired the children with disrespect for their father, who failed to support the authority of his wife as the mother and mistress of the home.

"You see," I said, "the disrespect with which they treat you; and if they presume upon your familiarity, to speak to our guest in this contemptuous manner, they will soon extend the same conduct to us." "But, Mrs. Moodie, you should reprove them." "I cannot, sir, while you continue, by taking liberties with the girl, and swearing at the man, to provoke them to retaliation." "Swearing!