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"What is the matter with you?" said Woloda and Dimitri simultaneously. "No one was trying to insult you." "Yes, he DID try to insult me!" I replied. "What an extraordinary fellow your brother is!" said Dubkoff to Woloda. At that moment he was passing out of the door, and could not have heard what I said.

Had there been anything beautiful, poetical, or edifying or simply interesting in his relations with Anna Sergeyevna? And there was nothing for him but to talk vaguely of love, of woman, and no one guessed what it meant; only his wife twitched her black eyebrows, and said: "The part of a lady-killer does not suit you at all, Dimitri."

The lighthouse, the hospital, the three white houses by the quay we had but to mention a building and he would promptly murmur, in his dreamy, half-quizzical way; "Oui-i-i ... c'est Dimitri!"

Notwithstanding my fondness for Dimitri and the pleasure which his frankness had afforded me, I now felt as though I desired to hear no more about his feelings and intentions with regard to Lubov Sergievna, but to talk unstintedly about my own love for Sonetchka, who seemed to me an object of affection of a far higher order.

In justice to the Russian landed proprietors, I must say that the class represented by Dimitri Ivan'itch has now almost disappeared. It was the natural result of serfage and social stagnation of a state of society in which there were few legal and moral restraints, and few inducements to honourable activity.

Under the reign of Dimitri it was rebuilt of stone, and strongly fortified with walls and ditches, since which period it has sustained, without any great injury, the assaults of war, the ravages of fire, and the wear and tear of time. Kief and Vladimir, prior to that reign, had each served in turn as the capital of the empire.

Throughout the whole of our acquaintance she appeared to me merely a plain, though not positively ugly, girl, concerning whom one would never ask oneself the question, "Am I, or am I not, in love with her?" Sometimes I would talk to her direct, but more often I did so through Dimitri or Lubov Sergievna; and it was the latter method which afforded me the most pleasure.

Certain rumours had reached headquarters, and the Emperor Nicholas appointed as colonel a stern disciplinarian of German origin, who aimed at making the regiment a kind of machine that should work with the accuracy of a chronometer. This change did not at all suit the tastes of Dimitri Ivan'itch.

Do you know, Dimitri, our days at Lubny were pleasant, after all?" "Perhaps," answered Drentell, sarcastically, "that accounts for your incessant desire to leave the place." "I never know when I am happy," said Louise, truthfully. For some minutes she again rocked herself vigorously. It was her way of stimulating her mental faculties. Suddenly she cried: "Ah, if you had only brought Mikail along.

Yet Dimitri held always to the same strange, something more than friendly, relations with her, and used to say not only that she was misunderstood by every one, but that she did him a world of good. This, however, did not prevent the rest of his family from finding fault with his infatuation.