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Frommt's, den Schleier aufzuheben, wo das nahe Schreckniss droht? Nur der Irrthum ist das Leben; dieses Wissen ist der Tod. Nimm, O nimm die traur'ge Klarheit mir vom Aug' den blut'gen Schein! Schrecklich ist es deiner Wahrheit sterbliches Gefäss zu seyn! which may perhaps be translated "Why hast thou cast me thus into the town of the ever-blind, to proclaim thine oracle by the opened sense?

If it was picked up, I trust the following lines were not regarded merely as wordy frightfulness: "Ach! aus dieses Thales Gründen Die der kalte Nebel drückt, Könnt' ihr doch den Ausgang finden, Ach! wie fühlt' ihr euch beglüekt!" Of all the tabloid tales published last year in R.P.C. 'Comic Cuts, the most comic was that of a mist, a British bus, and a Boche General.

These three classes differ in their arrangement of the tetrachord. In the enharmonic, the tetrachord consists of two tones and two "dieses." A diesis is a quarter tone; hence in a semitone there are included two dieses. In the chromatic there are two semitones arranged in succession, and the third interval is a tone and a half.

A Pilgrim bin i halt numehr, Muss reise fremde Strossa; Das bitt i di, mein Gott und Herr, Du wirst mi nit verlossa. 4. Den Glauba hob i frei bekennt, Des derf i mi nit schaema, Wenn ma mi glei ein Ketzer nennt Und tuet mir's Leba nehma. 5. Ketta und Banda wor mir en Ehr Um Jesu willa z' dulda, Und dieses macht die Glaubenslehr Und nit mei boes Verschulda. 6.

Beim Anblick dieses Gegenstandes erregte sich das Mannchen sichtlich, denn es polterte heftig an den Staben, ebenfalls gurgelnde Laute ausstossend."

Is our Evangelical Lutheran doctrine the only justifying and saving doctrine, and on what proofs of Holy Scripture does it rest? To this his answer is: "Ja und amen ist dieses solches, solches beweise ich, etc." "Yea and amen is it such, and I prove it thus, etc."

The stout lady who kept a small shop of ivory carvings at Montreux continually lamented their absence to me: "Die Fremden kommen nicht, dieses regenes Wetter! Man muss Geduldt haben! Die Fremden kommen nicht!"

Beneath the frescoes he put the words: "Hier wo mein Wähnen Frieden fand, Wahnfried sei dieses Haus von mir benannt," which may be Englished: "Here, where my illusions respite found, 'Illusion-Respite' let this house by me be crowned." In this home, plain in its exterior, but full of richness within, Wagner lived at ease with his wife and her four children.

Something they can learn, oh, yes, may-be! But the secret what make the rose to red, the sky to blue, the man to love IN DER BRUST, IN DER BRUST it is, UND OHNE DIESES GIEBT ES KEINE KUNST, GIEBT ES KEINE KUNST!" He threw up his square hand and shook it, all the fingers apart and wagging. Purple and breathless he went out of the arbor and into the house, without saying good-bye.

As she let the ether drip, nervously trying to keep the rhythm that Kennicott had indicated, Carol stared at her husband with the abandon of hero-worship. He shook his head. "Bad light bad light. Here, Mrs. Morgenroth, you stand right here and hold this lamp. Hier, und dieses dieses lamp halten so!" By that streaky glimmer he worked, swiftly, at ease. The room was still.