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Benedick has turned a moral man, has he? This is better and better. Are you thinking of going into the church, Deuceace?" "My lord, may I ask you to be a little more serious?" "Serious! a quoi bon? I am serious serious in my surprise that, when you might have had either of these women, you should have preferred that hideous wife of yours."

The scene bristled, as I look back at it, with images from Men's Wives, from the society of Mr. Deuceace and that of fifty other figures of the same creation, with Bareacreses and Rawdon Crawleys and of course with Mrs.

Deuceace an arm, when out of the cabaray shoot four fellows, and draw up betwigst the coach and embassy-doar; two other chaps go to the other doar of the carridge, and, opening it, one says "Rendez-vous, M. Deuceace! Je vous arrete au nom de la loi!" He flung open the door, and was for making off that way; but he saw the four chaps standing betwigst libbarty and him.

She liked Deuceace, who amused her and made her laff. She liked his manners, his riding, and his good loox; and being a pervinew herself had a dubble respect for real aristocratick flesh and blood. Miss's love, on the contry, was all flams and fury. She reglarly flung herself at Deuceace's head such sighing, crying, and ogling, I never see.

Not being present, I can't say what Deuceace said; but I can fancy how he LOOKT, and how poor Mrs. Deuceace lookt. They weren't much inclined to rest after the fiteeg of the junny; for, in 1/2 an hour after their arrival at Paris, the hosses were put to the carridge agen, and down they came thundering to our country-house at St.

We have said Bull knows nothing: he knows the birth, arms, and pedigree of all the peerage, has poked his little eyes into every one of the carriages on board their panels noted and their crests surveyed; he knows all the Continental stories of English scandal how Count Towrowski ran off with Miss Baggs at Naples how VERY thick Lady Smigsmag was with young Cornichon of the French Legation at Florence the exact amount which Jack Deuceace won of Bob Greengoose at Baden what it is that made the Staggs settle on the Continent: the sum for which the O'Goggarty estates are mortgaged, &c.

Nothing of the kind. Mike must go through as much artful financiering to raise his five pounds as the Hon. Algernon Deuceace to raise his "monkey." His bill must be well backed by his friends, Thady and Tim. Now, Thady's name on the back of a five-pound bill is not good for much.

But, never mind; lunch will be ready soon. In the meantime, have a segar, and drink a glass of Sauterne." Deuceace, who had been listening to this speech, sprung up wildly. "I'll not believe it," he said: "it's a lie, an infernal lie! forged by you, you hoary villain, and by the murderess and strumpet you have married. I'll not believe it; show me the will. Matilda!

The elite of the foreign diplomacy, the Prince Talleyrand and Marshal the Duke of Dalmatia on behalf of H. M. the King of France, honored the banquet and the marriage ceremony. Lord and Lady Crabs intend passing a few weeks at Saint Cloud." The above dockyments, along with my own triffling billy, of which I have also givn a copy, greated Mr. and Mrs. Deuceace on their arrivle from Fontingblo.

Halgernon Percy Deuceace was going DOWN. He was as gay as a lark, humming an Oppra tune, and twizzting round his head his hevy gold-headed cane. Down he went very fast, and by a most unlucky axdent struck his cane against the waiter's tray, and away went Mr. Dawkinses gril, kayann, kitchup, soda-water and all!