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In the battle of Dettingen which followed, however, on the 27th June 1743, not only was the allied army saved from destruction by the impetuosity of the French horse and the dogged obstinacy with which the English held their ground, but their opponents were forced to recross the Main. Small as was the victory, it produced amazing results. The French evacuated Germany.

He would lead out his Guards himself and charge the rioters at their head. The courage which had shown itself at Dettingen, the courage which had been displayed by generations of rough German electors and Italian princes, showed itself gallantly now and saved the city.

When London did not extend so far as Knightsbridge, George II. as he was one morning riding, met an old soldier who had served under him at the battle of Dettingen; the king accosted him, and found that he made his living by selling apples in a small hut. "What can I do for you?" said the king. "Please your majesty to give me a grant of the bit of ground my hut stands on, and I shall be happy."

He said he had heard of English mobs, but could not conceive they were so dreadful, and wished he had been shot at the battle of Dettingen, where he had been engaged. The father, whom they call Lord Derwentwater, said, on entering the Tower, that he had never expected to arrive there alive.

He may almost be said to have been born in the camp, for he was the son of Major-general Wolfe, a veteran officer of merit, and when a lad had witnessed the battles of Dettingen and Fontenoy. While a mere youth he had distinguished himself at the battle of Laffeldt, in the Netherlands; and now, after having been eighteen years in the service, he was but thirty-one years of age.

His father in 1743 was present at the battle of Dettingen; and the exposure consequent on a night spent on the rain-soaked battle-field afflicted him with an asthmatic complaint and a partial paralysis of the limbs, which darkened for years the musician's peaceful household.

The champion, finding himself so smartly handled, changed his battery, and began to expatiate on his own exploits. "You talk of shot, madam," said he; "d me! I have both given and received some shot in my time I was wounded in the shoulder by a pistol ball at Dettingen, where I say nothing but by G d! if it had not been for me all's one for that I despise boasting, d-me! whiz!"

The effort was too much for the resources; the king's counsellors felt that it was; the battle of Dettingen, skilfully commenced on the 27th of June, 1743, by Marshal Noailles, and lost by the imprudence of his nephew, the Duke of Gramont, had completely shaken the confidence of the armies; the emperor had treated with the Austrians for an armistice; establishing the neutrality of his troops, as belonging to the empire.

In order to be revenged, I learn the Science of Defence we join Mareschal Duc de Noailles, are engaged with the Allies of Dettingen, and put to flight the behaviour of the French soldiers on that occasion I industriously seek another combat with the old Gascon, and vanquish him in my turn our regiment is put into Winter Quarters at Rheims, where I find my friend Strap our Recognition he supplies me with Money, and procures my Discharge we take a trip to Paris; from whence, by the way of Flanders, we set out for London; where we safely arrive

"Pooh!" cried Uncle John, impatiently; "let us have some music." "I have an apprehension, Bagshaw," said the vice-president, "that I should not presume to dispute with you, that you are wrong in your theory of the centrifugal force of the axioms. However, we will discuss that point at the grand-junction. But come, Frederick, the 'Dettingen Te Deum."