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Thus we are forced to conceive of the determinants in the chromosomes of the fertilised ovum which correspond to the two sides of the body, as entirely distinct from the determinants which cause the condition or 'characters' of the two sides, unless indeed we suppose that determinants of right side with eyes and colour occur in some gametes and of right side without eyes and colour in others, and vice versa, and that homozygous and heterozygous combinations occur in fertilisation.

Thus, certain determinants, notably the all-important delta-prime-sub-mu, become manipulable by ... but you aren't listening!" "I'm listening, pops, but nothing is coming through. But thanks much, anyway. I feel a lot better, knowing I'm not going to give birth to a monster. Or are you sure, really?" "Of course I'm sure!" Adams snapped, testily, and Barbara led Deston aside.

When the congenital tendency of the determinants on the lower side was overcome by the action of light, the white patch on the upper side also began to develop pigment. Lastly, I may refer again to the specially abnormal Turbot mentioned above.

I believe, therefore, that in this case there were determinants for absence of pigment not only on the lower side but on part of the upper side also, and that so long as light was excluded from the lower side the patch on the upper side remained unpigmented in sympathy.

This elliptical form of the Negro's hair causes it to curl more or less tightly. There have been repeated efforts to discover, by measurements of various kinds, further and more decisive differences which would serve as really scientific determinants of race. Gradually these efforts have been given up. To-day we realize that there are no hard and fast racial types among men.

Temperament and early education are among the principal determinants of character; and certainly when we contrast Féli with his brother Jean, who presumably received the same home-training, we see how largely he was the creature of temperament. Jean was by nature the "good boy," tractable and docile; Féli, the unmanageable, the lawless, the violent.

But the kind of experience so entailed, of contribution so gathered, is just what we wear easiest when we have been least stinted of it, and what our English use of makes perhaps our vividest reference to our thick-growing native determinants."

This implies studying by association-tests what James called the psychic overtones, and what Prince has, in his teaching, called the unconscious settings-of-ideas, which determine meaning. Care must be taken to find the real determinants, and to set aside spurious dream material which is not always facilitated by the psycho-analytic methods.

But the first suggestion seems the more probable, as two rights or two lefts would not be symmetrical. Supposing the head and body not properly to belong to each other, one being reversed and one normal, we can in a way understand why the dorsal fin does not form the usual connexion with the edge of the head, because the determinants would not be in the normal intimate relation to each other.

Analysis resolves these combinations into their historical determinants for that is one of the essential tasks of analysis, i.e., to render powerless by disconnecting them, the obsessions of the complexes that are concurrent with the purposeful conduct of life. History is ignorant of two kinds of things: what is hidden in the past and what is hidden in the future.