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'For actually nothing, replied Mantalini. 'A hundred guineas down will buy him; mane, and crest, and legs, and tail, all of the demdest beauty. I will ride him in the park before the very chariots of the rejected countesses. The demd old dowager will faint with grief and rage; the other two will say "He is married, he has made away with himself, it is a demd thing, it is all up!"

'All in its joy at having gained such a lovely creature, such a little Venus, such a demd, enchanting, bewitching, engrossing, captivating little Venus, said Mantalini. 'See what a situation you have placed me in! urged Madame. 'No harm will come, no harm shall come, to its own darling, rejoined Mr Mantalini.

Whereupon my lady used her influence with the demd old dotard, and I was cut off with a shilling. However, he gave me a saloon passage to Melbourne, with an order on his agent in that city for £500. My lady's father also gave me letters of introduction to some friends in Sydney business people. Fact was, they wanted to get rid of me." "The £500 should have given you a fair start," I suggested.

'I don't want any sum, replied her disconsolate husband; 'I shall require no demd allowance. I will be a body.

'That it happened this way that your nephew met him at a coffeehouse, fell upon him with the most demneble ferocity, followed him to his cab, swore he would ride home with him, if he rode upon the horse's back or hooked himself on to the horse's tail; smashed his countenance, which is a demd fine countenance in its natural state; frightened the horse, pitched out Sir Mulberry and himself, and

"It knows it is talking demd charming sweetness but naughty fibs. It knows it is not ashamed of its own popolorum tibby." "Which is entirely attributable," said Kate, unable to resist keeping up the vein, "to the gross misconduct and most improper behaviour of Mr. Mantalini." "Of me, my essential juice of pineapple!" "Of you, Sir!"

Here have I turned myself into a demd damp moist unpleasant body just to get to her sheltering bosom and she repulses me like this." "It is because I am what I have never been before, Hugh," said Kate, "and that is ashamed of you." "Ashamed? Of me, my joy!" said Hugh, but he knew now that it was the interview outrage that was disturbing Kate.

'We keep twenty young women constantly employed in the establishment, said Madame. 'Indeed, ma'am! replied Kate, timidly. 'Yes; and some of 'em demd handsome, too, said the master. 'Mantalini! exclaimed his wife, in an awful voice. 'My senses' idol! said Mantalini. 'Do you wish to break my heart?

'You have brought it upon yourself, Alfred, returned Madame Mantalini still reproachfully, but in a softened tone. 'I am a demd villain! cried Mr Mantalini, smiting himself on the head.

'Don't you know, said Mr Mantalini, taking Ralph by the button, 'that it wasn't an accident at all, but a demd, furious, manslaughtering attack made upon him by your nephew? 'What! snarled Ralph, clenching his fists and turning a livid white. 'Demmit, Nickleby, you're as great a tiger as he is, said Mantalini, alarmed at these demonstrations. 'Go on, cried Ralph. 'Tell me what you mean.