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Among these we may mention the Philips cylinder, from which, in speaking of the great works carried out by Nebuchadnezzar, LENORMANT gives long extracts in his Manuel d'Histoire ancienne, vol. ii. pp. 233 and 235. LAYARD, Nineveh, vol. i. p. 115, and vol. ii. p. 91. OPPERT, Expédition en Mésopotamie, vol. ii. pp. 343-351. PLACE, Ninive, vol. i. p. 188.

At this point and again later about Chezal-Benoît I have made much use of Dom Berlière's Mélanges d'histoire bénédictine, 3^e série, 1901. By the end of the fifteenth century there were more than a hundred constituents of the Congregation.

I am quite ready to admit his extreme folly in some things, but that is nothing to the present purpose. GENEVA, 6th April, 1834. I am desired by Professor Prevost to inform you that you were elected an honorary member of the Société de Physique et d'Histoire Naturelle de Genève on the 3rd April, and that a diploma will be forwarded to you by the earliest opportunity.

The tusks are applied to the same uses as ivory, especially for the handles of krises, and being whiter are more prized. It has much general resemblance to the manatee or lamantin of the West Indies, and has been confounded with it; but the distinction between them has been ascertained by M. Cuvier, Annales du Museum d'Histoire Naturelle 22 cahier page 308.* Voyage to New Guinea page 272.

It was then that the founders of the Revue Critique d'histoire et de littérature undertook to combat a state of things which they lightly deemed demoralising. With this object they administered public chastisement to those scholars who showed lack of conscience or method, in a manner calculated to disgust them with erudition for ever.

Monsieur Alphonse Marie de Montausé, a distinguished member of the Academy of Inscriptions, a pillar of the Société d'Histoire diplomatique, and a foreign member of the Royal Society, had been for nearly a year engaged at Nimrud in the work nearest to his heart, the work of excavation. It was a labour of love for which he was very jealous.

Attempts, however, to produce it by crossing of other forms have not succeeded, and a specimen has been discovered at the Museum d'Histoire Naturelle at Paris, collected by Michaux in North America about 1796, which agrees exactly with the Oenothera Lamarckiana naturalised or cultivated in Europe.

Theism, then, as thus explained, one discerns as an implication of the indisputable fact of morality, of the sovereignty of ethic, of the indestructible supremacy of conscience. And here one may be allowed to quote a singularly luminous passage from the Cours d'Histoire de la Philosophic Morale en 18ème Siècle of Victor Cousin, p. 318.

But in a short time she withdrew from European Turkey, and at Osmandjik, near Sinope, laid the foundations of a model farm. In 1850 she published in a French journal, the National, her memorials of Veile; and as a relief to the stir and unrest of politics, she wrote, in the following year, her "Notions d'Histoire

Our readers need not be told that the Zoological Society is partly on the plan of the Museum of Natural History at Paris, except that the latter is supported by the Government, the Gardens are indiscriminately opened to the public, free of cost, and the Museum on stated days; and when we add that the names of Fagon, Duverney, Tournefort, Vaillant, De Jussieu, Buffon, Daubenton, Fourcroy, Desfontaines, De Lamarck, and Cuvier, occur in its list of professors, they will not be surprised at the Musée d'Histoire Naturelle being the richest of its kind in the world.