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She soon after had the good fortune to capture a small English vessel with a man on board well acquainted with Chibucto harbor. D'Anville offered him his liberty and a hundred louis if he would pilot the ship in. To this he agreed; but when he rejoined his fellow-prisoners they called him a traitor to his country, on which he retracted his promise.

"Why, got out again as fast as you could," said the literal attache." "No such thing, I was too frightened: I stood still and screamed for assistance." Madame D'Anville was delighted, and Miss Paulding astonished. Mr.

I longed for a change: behold, a change was at hand! Then, to say truth, I was heartily glad of a pretence of escaping from a numerous cohort of folles amours, with Madame D'Anville at the head; and the very circumstance which men who play the German flute and fall in love, would have considered the most vexatious, I regarded as the most consolatory.

Lud! what a group the motley scene discloses, False wits, false wives, false virgins, and false spouses. Goldsmith's Epilogue to the Comedy of the Sisters. Madame D'Anville kept her promise the invitation was duly sent, and accordingly at half past ten to the Rue D'Anjou I drove. The rooms were already full.

She supplied the place of the dilapidated baronet with a most superbly mustachioed German. "Who," said I, to Madame D'Anville, "are those pretty girls in white, talking with such eagerness to Mr. Aberton and Lord Luscombe?" "What!" said the Frenchwoman, "have you been ten days at Paris and not been introduced to the Miss Carltons?

Monsieur d'Anville did not fail to be at Court in the evening; he thought himself very happy, that the Queen-Dauphin had made choice of him to manage an affair she had at heart, and he promised to obey her commands with the greatest exactness.

In other words, this hypothesis identifies the Niger with the great western branch of the Nile, called the White River, which D'Anville traces from a source very far SS.W. to its junction with the Nile near Sennaar. He likewise accurately distinguishes this stream from the eastern branch, which is much shorter and of inferior magnitude, and which takes its rise in the mountains of Abyssinia.

This mountainous region was so little known in Europe, even in the middle of the eighteenth century, that D'Anville, in the first edition of his South America, makes a branch issue from the Orinoco, near Salto de los Atures, and fall into the Amazon, to which branch he gives the name of Rio Negro. Early maps, as well as Father Gumilla's work, place the Mission in latitude 1 degree 30 minutes.

The face of Thornton's companion haunted me like a dream; and, to say the truth, there were also moments when the recollection of my new engagement for the evening made me tired with that which I was enjoying the troublesome honour of keeping. Madame D'Anville was not slow in perceiving the coldness of my behaviour. Though a Frenchwoman, she was rather grieved than resentful.

But the Duchess of Valentinois being warned of the design in view, had traversed it with so much care, and prepossessed the King so much against it, that when Monsieur d'Anville came to speak to his Majesty about it, he plainly showed he did not approve of it, and commanded him to signify as much to the Prince de Montpensier.