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"I was jes' going downstairs to see if 'e was in the kitching or out at the back," she continued, unheeding the interruption, "when there on the landing I sees a foot asticking out from under the curting. I pulls back the curting and oh, Lor! oh, dear, oh, dear, the pore genelmun, 'im as never did a bad turn to no one!" "Come, come, Mrs. Chugg!" said the detective.

The red curting was down on the inside, and I seen through it, I swar to Gawd I did, sir! I seen clar spang through into that room, and thar stood Marster in his night clothes, jest so and thar stood that murdering vil'yan close to him, holding the tin box so and Marster with the handi'on jest daring him to cum on and and oh! I am glad to know my Marster was game to the last, died game!

Oliver has, unfortunately the announcement that the engagement between Miss Flavia Marston of Detroit and Mr. William Curting of New York has been broken by mutual consent was an inconspicuous little paragraph in the morning papers. "That was all just funny ideas and being away. And then this homebred talent came along," Ted muses. "Well, you're the hell of a "

He was werry shabbily dressed, and he looked for all the world like the picturs I've seen of Shakspeare's "lean and hungry Cashier." It allers looks suspicious for a customer to drop his curting afore you bring him the oysters arterwards it's all perfectly proper, in course. Afore the stew was ready, he would call out "Waiter! crackers!"

I know'd Mr. Prince had stirred round considerable in there, the day before he left, but I didn't know he had drapped the curting what was looped back the last time I was inside. So I went up the steps and clared away a rose vine what was hanging low down from the i'on pillar of the piazzar, and almost screening the door, and I walked up, I did, and looked in. Lord Gawd Amighty!

He who generalises is lost, and yet I make bold to believe that the conclusion of this book is true and reasonable and in accordance with such evidence as could be collected. And now after this before-the-curtain lecture, it is high time, as Artemus would say, to "rise the curting."

Which section the five-cent one or the ten-cent one?" asked Cecily timidly. "The ten-cent one, of course. The best is none too good for me. I'll give you the ten cents another time. I'm short of change just now not being as rich as Queen Victory. There's her picture up there the one with the blue sash and diamint crown and the lace curting on her head.