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The cure had arranged to send off one of the village boys, the moment that he heard that any party of the Blues were approaching; when the whole of the occupants of the village and the farms around it would be obliged to take to the woods, for it was evident that neither age nor sex was respected by Westermann's troops. It was morning when Jean, Leigh, and Desailles arrived at Moulin.

The various face-washes and creams and dusting powders which are used for the relief of sunburn, while they may, if mild enough, make the face feel somewhat more comfortable for a little time, owe most of their virtues to the fact that they are generally used at bedtime and then get the credit for the cure which nature works while you are asleep.

"Did they all die? Didn't you cure one?" continued Hetty, inexorably. "I have known persons in such a condition to recover," said Dr. Eben, with dignity; "but not by the help of medicine so much as by an entire change of conditions." "What do you mean by conditions?" said Hetty, never having heard, in her simple and healthful life, of anybody's needing what is called a "change of scene." Dr.

The beautiful thought came to her: "The holy cure is a saint. If I have faith, my child will be cured." The boy had an abscess on the head. She put the cap on him. That evening, when she uncovered him to dress the wound, she found that the sore had disappeared. The child had been cured. "To-day," one wrote from Ars, "we have had a very remarkable cure.

But I'm meeting with those every day cases where the country air and the country fare are almost as much a part of the cure as the surgical interference. My word! but it will be a satisfaction to bundle the poor little chaps off to our farm!" His eyes were very bright. He lay smiling to himself for a minute, then he sat up. "In a month," said he, "we shall be ready for business.

And why should he have saddened her by his doubts, since he was so desirous of her cure?

We will cure you!" "That's as you please, your honour, we humbly thank you, only we understand. . . . Since death has come, there it is." The doctor spends a quarter of an hour over Yefim, then he gets up and says: "I can do nothing. You must go into the hospital, there they will operate on you. Go at once . . . You must go!

And what good was there in that work? Whom did it feed, whom did it cure, to whom did it give clothing? At that work from ten to twenty thousand people perished yearly; that is, for the tomb of Cheops a half a million corpses were put into the earth. But the blood, the pain, the tears, who will reckon them?

The country people put them in long ago, and they think that if they chew a piece of the bark, it will cure the toothache. The teeth are almost grown over now, and no one comes to the tree." "I should. I love folklore and all festering superstitions." "Do you think that the tree really did cure toothache, if one believed in it?" "Of course it did. It would cure anything once."

I'm calling here to leave an order for Gagnon about a coffin for old Telesphore Tremblay who died yesterday, and I have promised to see his poor wife to-night." "Then I shall take my own buggy and Mr. Ringfield can go with me. The curé can go with you, sir." "Well, if the whole village wishes to pay its respects to a crazy man all at the same time, let them come!" roared the irascible doctor.