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Drive to the Balsa Meaning of the word A Mob of Women Nora Creena Magic, slipper Description of the drive Ferryman of the Females Decline the office The Suburbs A la Balsa Manilla, intra murales The Mole by Moonlight Friend in a fit Circo Olympico Scenes in the Circle. Up betimes upon the morning of our second day on shore, for a drive to the Balsa.

"Ah, then, Nora, they are as bewitching as yourself, little woman. What beauties they are growing, to be sure!" "I reared them," said Nora. "I am proud of them both. At one time I thought Creena could not live; but look at her now her coat as black as jet, and so silky." "Shut the door, won't you, Patrick?" said his wife. "Bless me! I forgot," said the Squire.

Don't whisper it to Linda. She would be in the seventh heaven of bliss, and I detest pleasing her; but I would do anything in the world for you, Nora creena." Nora gave her cousin's arm an affectionate squeeze. "I have never been to school," said Nora; "you must instruct me what I am to do."

She thought it would be pleasant to learn even under her mother's rather peculiar method of tutelage; but, as she stood on the terrace looking across the exquisite summer scene, two of the dogs, Creena and Cushla, came into view. They rushed up to Nora with cries and barks of welcome. Down went the books on the gravel, and off ran the Irish girl, followed by the two barking dogs.

"Come along, then, Creena; come along, Cushla," said the girl, addressing two handsome black Pomeranians who rushed to meet her. The dogs leaped up at her with expressions of rapture, and girl and dogs careered with a wild dance across the great, broad hall in the direction of the north parlor.

Squire O'Shanaghgan was a tall, powerfully built man, with deep-set eyes and rugged, overhanging brows; his hair was of a grizzled gray, very thick and abundant; he had a shaggy beard, too, and a long overhanging mustache. He entered the north parlor still more noisily than Nora had done. The dogs yelped with delight, and flung themselves upon him. "Down, Creena! down, Cushla!" he said.