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'Yes, Mrs Lawford, said Mr Craik, putting out his face a little, 'are we to take it that you mean that? 'It's the same date, dear, the same name even to the spelling; what possibly else can I think? 'And that the poor creature in the grave actually climbed up out of the darkness and well, what? 'I know no more than you do NOW, Bettie.

Meiklejohn pleaded a sudden indisposition, yet lingered while a servant summoned Ronald Tower to play in his stead. Carshaw knew Winifred that same Winifred whom he and his secret intimates had sought so vainly during three long weeks! Voles and his arm-fractured henchman were recuperating in Boston, but Rachel Craik and Fowle were hunting New York high and low for sight of the girl.

The other, a mere boy, remained and flecked dust with a napkin, wondering, no doubt, why the motorist sat hours at the table. At last, near noon, Rachel Craik, with a plaid shawl draped around her angular shoulders, and Winifred, in a new dress of French gray, came in. Winifred started and cast down her eyes on seeing who was there.

Miss Craik was sitting two yards away, half-turned from Winifred, but at this afternoon offer of the morning's paper she glanced round fully at Winifred, and saw, that as Winifred took the newspaper, she tried to grasp with it a note also which lay on it tried, but failed, for the note escaped, slipped down on Winifred's lap, and lay there exposed.

Craik dressing his wounds, and Washington attending him with faithful assiduity. Braddock was still able to give orders, and had a faint hope of being able to keep possession of the ground until reinforced. Most of the men were stationed in a very advantageous spot about two hundred yards from the road; and Lieutenant-Colonel Burton posted out small parties and sentinels.

During this time he preached at Shaldon for Henry Craik, thus coming into closer contact with this brother, to whom his heart became knit in bonds of love and sympathy which grew stronger as the acquaintance became more intimate.

"Whatsoever we ask we receive of Him, because we keep His commandments, and do those things which are well pleasing in His sight." Here is another of the life-secrets of George Muller. Without unduly counting the cost, he followed every leading of God. In July, 1841, both Mr. Craik and Mr.

"About 8 o'clock the physicians came again into the room and applied blisters and cataplasms of wheat bran to his legs and feet, after which they went out, except Dr. Craik, without a ray of hope. I went out about this time and wrote a line to Mr. Law and Mr. "About 10 o'clock he made several attempts to speak to me before he could effect it. At length he said, 'I am just going.

Grave charges were made by Loftus against Brady in 1566, but once he had attained the object of his desires, namely his promotion to Dublin, he had no scruple in attaching his name to a very laudatory commendation of Brady's labours and qualifications . A certain Dr. Craik was appointed by Elizabeth to Kildare in opposition to Dr. Leverous.

He took the food from Burton's hand, set it beside him on the ground, and then, supporting himself on his gaunt right arm and hand, gave the overseer one long look of bitter, undying hatred; then his eyes drooped to the fire again. 'And here, Rídan, said Craik, the engineer, throwing the sleeping-mat upon the ground, 'that'll keep your auld bones frae cutting into the ground.