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I am no such NEEDY man. And thus feeding upon thine own fare, or by making a composition of his and thine together, thou condemnest God, thou countest him insufficient or unfaithful; that is, either one that hath not enough, or having it, will not bestow it upon the poor and needy, and therefore, of mere pretence thou goest to his banquet, but yet trustest to thine own, and to that only.

All this, what does it argue, I say, but thy diffidence of God? and that thou countest salvation safer in thine own righteousness than in the righteousness of God? and that thy own love to, and care of thy own soul, is far greater, and so much better, than is the care and love of God?

"Maude," suggested Bertram in a low voice, as if he felt half afraid of his own idea, "Countest that blessed Mary looketh ever her own self to wit if the lamp be alight?" Maude was properly shocked. "Save you All Hallows, Master Bertram! How come you by such fantasies?" Late that evening a mounted messenger crossed the drawbridge, and stayed his weary horse in the snows-prinkled base court.

But oh, my friend! surely long ere now thou knowest that we were not false; surely the hour will yet dawn when I shall again hold thee to my heart; yea, surely, even if still thou countest me guilty, thou hast already found for me endless excuse and forgiveness.

Had In Memoriam been then written, a more exact parallel might have been found in Tennyson's warning to the young enthusiast: "See thou, that countest reason ripe In holding by the law within, Thou fail not in a world of sin, And ev'n for want of such a type." The story is for the most part admirably told.

"Thou countest me surely not such a loon, Father Wilfred? No, I long to be great. I feel as though greatness stirred within me. But what can I do, a squire? If I were a knight I could sign my shoulder with the holy cross, and go fight for our Lord's sepulchre. That were something worth.

How many of them have been put to shameful deaths; and besides, thou countest his service better than mine, whereas he never came yet from the place where he is to deliver any that served him out of our hands; but as for me, how many times, as all the World very well knows, have I delivered, either by power or fraud, those that have faithfully served me, from him and his, though taken by them; and so I will deliver thee.

"Thou countest thy flock ill, O radiant shepherd. Behold! one star is missing from the three thousand and ten." "Back to thy gulf, false Lucifer! the throne of thy brother hath been filled."

How many of them have been put to shameful deaths! and, besides, thou countest His service better than mine, whereas He never came yet from the place where He is to deliver any that served Him out of their hands; but as for me, how many times, as all the world very well knows, have I delivered, either by power or fraud, those that have faithfully served me, from Him and His, though taken by them; and so I will deliver thee.

"Friend, countest thou that the Jew which had leprosy, and betook him unto the high priest, did meet with contakes because he went not likewise unto one of the lesser? Either this confession unto the priest is to be used with, or without, the confession unto God. If to be used without, what is this but saying the priest to be God?