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She spoke with a thrilling of her slight frame that transformed the dispassionate professional into a girl shaken with indignant pity. Amherst stood still before her. "Good God! Never anything but useless lumber?" "Never " "And he won't die?" "Alas!" "He has a consumptive wife and three children. She ruined her health swallowing cotton-dust at the factory," Amherst continued.

The slums of big cities are much more cheerful." He made no answer, and after a moment she asked: "Does the cotton-dust always affect the lungs?" "It's likely to, where there is the least phthisical tendency. But of course the harm could be immensely reduced by taking up the old rough floors which hold the dust, and by thorough cleanliness and ventilation."

"I had thought," said Wendell Phillips, in his noted apology for standing for the first time in his antislavery life under the flag of his country, and welcoming the tread of Massachusetts men marshaled for war "I had thought Massachusetts wholly choked with cotton-dust and cankered with gold."

To keep the floors scrubbed, the cotton-dust swept up, the rooms freshly whitewashed and well-ventilated, far from adding the smallest fraction to the quarterly dividends, would have deducted from them the slight cost of this additional labour; and Truscomb therefore economized on scrubbers, sweepers and window-washers, and on all expenses connected with improved ventilation and other hygienic precautions.

He felt the incongruousness of his rough clothes in this atmosphere of after-dinner ease, the mud on his walking-boots, the clinging cotton-dust which seemed to have entered into the very pores of the skin; and again his annoyance escaped in his voice. "Perhaps I have come too early " he began; but Mr. Tredegar interposed with glacial amenity: "No, I believe you are exactly on time; but Mrs.

The result was the same: the distance between them seemed to increase instead of diminishing; and he smiled ironically to think of the form his appeal had taken "If you see anything that seems to need explaining." Why, she saw nothing nothing but the greasy floor under her feet, the cotton-dust in her eyes, the dizzy incomprehensible whirring of innumerable belts and wheels!

Let the reader suppose a different case from that here presented. Instead of the pure air of outside Lancashire, let there be substituted the cotton-dust of the Lancashire mills. The contrast, even in thought, is painful. It is true that thus the irrepressible fires of human genius could not be quenched. Nay, through just these instrumentalities, oftentimes, is genius fostered.