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At first the Italian pished and grunted, and said Cospetto, and Per Bacco, and Diavolo, and tried to creep out of so much proffered courtesy. But like all single gentlemen, he was a little under the tyrannical influence of his faithful servant; and Jackeymo, though he could bear starving as well as his master when necessary, still, when he had the option, preferred roast beef and plum-pudding.

"There was, in truth, a Tunis-man prowling about, between Stromboli and Sicily; but, Ali di San Michele! he might better have chased the cloud above the volcano than run after the felucca in a sirocco!" "Thou wast chicken-hearted, Stefano!" "I! I was more like thy lion here, with some small additions of chains and muzzles." "As was seen by thy felucca's speed?" "Cospetto!

Harley could not help laughing, though he was still angry and disturbed. "The same man as ever; always the fool of philosophy." "Cospetto!" said Riccabocca. "I am rather the philosopher of fools. And talking of that, shall I present you to my Jemima?" "Yes; but in turn I must present you to one who remembers with gratitude your kindness, and whom your philosophy, for a wonder, has not ruined.

"Cospetto! according to your doctrine, Signor Andrea, there never was a man there at all only the imagination of one; it is not surprising that such a being should be missed. But I protest against any inferences being drawn from this accident. All Frenchmen are flighty and easily carried away, and now that they are no longer ballasted by religion, they are so many moral feathers.

Harley could not help laughing, though he was still angry and disturbed. "The same man as ever; always the fool of philosophy." "/Cospetto!/" said Riccabocca. "I am rather the philosopher of fools. And talking of that, shall I present you to my Jemima?" "Yes; but in turn I must present you to one who remembers with gratitude your kindness, and whom your philosophy, for a wonder, has not ruined.

It always has been so, and it always will; because, whenever we love deeply, we exact so much and forgive so little. Be content to find some one with whom your hearth and your honour are safe. You will grow to love what never wounds your heart, you will soon grow out of love with what must always disappoint your imagination. /Cospetto/! I wish my Jemima had a younger sister for you.

"Cospetto!" exclaimed the podest

Set your shoulders squarely against them, girl! Why should you give way to these mad islanders? Ah, cospetto! we are ruined and destroyed!" The crowd had thickened in front, so that the lame man and the girl had come to a stand.

For Heaven's sake take care of him; he is diabolically handsome; he never fails where he sets his heart. Cospetto!" cried the doctor, aloud, as these admonitions shaped themselves to speech in the camera obscura of his brain; "such a warning would have undone a Cornelia while she was yet an innocent spinster."

With the burning sun of to-day we should have the air of the Alps about the turn of the night." "'Tis well. My eye shall be on thee. Once more, addio!" "Cospetto! and thou hast said nothing of the cargo?" "'Twill not be so weighty in bulk as in value," carelessly answered Jacopo, shoving his gondola from the side of the felucca.