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My father was an eminent London bookseller: he happened to be looking over a new biographical dictionary on the day when I was brought into the world; and at the moment when my birth was announced to him, he had his finger upon the name Basil; he read aloud "Basil, canonized bishop of Caesarea, a theological, controversial, and moral writer."

MR. CHILDS: When I took notice of Cato’s prefatory address to the Citizens of the State of New York, in your paper of the first instant, I had no serious intention of becoming a controversial defendant of the new constitution. Indeed, if the system required defence, I was neither so weak nor so vain as to suppose myself competent to the task.

I have done various bold things in my life: this is the boldest: and, were I not sure I should after all succeed in my object, it would be madness to set about it. In the spring of 1839 my position in the Anglican Church was at its height. I had supreme confidence in my controversial status, and I had a great and still growing success, in recommending it to others.

"I'll get some new lace that does fit," she declared emphatically. Fyles nodded, but the amusement died out of his eyes. "All of which is sound sense," he said seriously, "and is leading us toward controversial er subjects. Eh?" Kate raised a pair of shoulders with pretended indifference. But her eyes were smiling that challenge which Stanley Fyles always associated with her.

He also set up a printing establishment, publishing many controversial works prohibited in England, a proceeding which roused the wrath of Carleton, impelling him to do his best to have him thrown into prison. It was not the first time that this plain, mechanical, devout Englishman, now past middle age, had visited the Netherlands.

Their theories, their controversial successes, their learned arguments, their appeals to the imagination, all seemed to go down, and to be swept away like chaff, before the breath of straightforward common sense and honesty.

My guru easily penetrated my difficulty. "Do you think your relatives will laugh at you?" "I will not return." "You will return in thirty days." "Never." Bowing reverently at his feet, I departed without lightening the controversial tension. As I made my way in the midnight darkness, I wondered why the miraculous meeting had ended on an inharmonious note.

Some of these were controversial; but one of them was his own life, under the title, "Grace abounding to the Chief of Sinners," and another was the "PILGRIM'S PROGRESS." In 1672 he obtained his liberty, and his friends immediately built for him a large meeting-house, where he continued to preach with little interruption till his death.

Both were divines of great theological learning; but while Bull's great talents were chiefly conspicuous in his controversial and argumentative works, Beveridge was chiefly eminent as a student and devotional writer. His 'Private Thoughts on Religion and Christian Life, and his papers on 'Public Prayer' and 'Frequent Communions, have always maintained a high reputation.

Nothing in the man suggests the title of his most popular book Outspoken Essays a somewhat boastful phrase that would, I think, have slightly distressed a critic like Ste.-Beuve and nothing, except a certain firm emphasis on the word truth, suggests in his conversation the spirit that shows in the more controversial of his essays.