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A sharp conflict ensued, in which the Afghans lost a thousand men, killed and wounded, but drove back the Mahrattas on their main body, which kept on retreating slowly for several days, contesting every inch of the ground until they reached Panipat.

Therefore your reasoning from the one to the other will not hold. Object. 'How comes contesting for water baptism to be so much against you? Ans. I conclude then, edification in the church is to be preferred above what the church, as a church, hath nothing to do withal. Yet because he could not do it to his edification, Moses was content.

The Scudamores, having no duty, stood at the entrance to the inclosure and watched the fight on their right. As the masses of French infantry appeared on the edge of the plateau they made no pause, but opening a heavy fire pressed forward on the retiring British troops, who were falling back in open order, contesting every inch of ground.

Yes, I will tell you all about it'; but, half crying, as though she had little hope of contesting my will, 'You will not leave that picture to make my heart ache more than, it does now? 'My poor Phoebe, I said, kissing her, 'when your heart once aches for the thought of another's sorrow your healing will have begun.

Possession, too, gave Gerald a proverbial vantage-ground, which my whole life might be wasted in contesting; while his command of an immense wealth might, more than probably, exhaust my spirit by delay, and my fortune by expenses.

He immediately suspended his interesting quarrel with his brother, and, instead of contesting with him the crown to which he had such fair pretensions, or the duchy of which he was in possession, he proposed to mortgage to him the latter during five years for a sum of thirteen thousand marks of gold.

"Your father speaks of giving more money to Mrs. Burke. I suppose we shall not know anything about it if he does." "Perhaps he will leave her some money in his will," said Godfrey. "Very likely. If he does, there is such a thing as contesting a will that is, if he gives her much." Mrs. Preston was right. Her husband did intend to give his devoted nurse something in his will, but of that more anon.

Friends not unfrequently fall out and never meet again for some idle misunderstanding, 'some trick not worth an egg, who have stood the shock of serious differences of opinion and clashing interests in life; and there is an excellent paper in the Tatler, to prove that if a married couple do not quarrel about some point in the first instance not worth contesting, they will seldom find an opportunity afterwards to quarrel about a question of real importance.

He told her that he would represent to Babcock the futility of contesting a cause, which, on the evidence, must be hopeless, and that, in all probability, the matter could be disposed of easily and without publicity.

It would be the greatest happiness of my life if I could restore his property to you, where he would have had it go, and deprive that villain, your uncle, of the fruits of his crime." "Then there is nothing to be got by contesting the will?" I asked. He shook his head soberly. "I fear not at present," said he, "nor can I with honesty hold out any hope to you, Richard.