United States or Pitcairn Islands ? Vote for the TOP Country of the Week !

When the vote on the Plebiscite was taken, his majority consisted of "Ouis" which were given because it was supposed that he was about to treat. Since then we have gone on from day to day vaguely hoping that either the Neutral Powers or the armies of the provinces would get us out of the mess in which we are, or, even if these failed us, that by a sortie the town would be revictualled.

On proceeding a little farther, over a road which consisted of the native rock in all its native inequality, we caught sight of the Comtat Grignan, and the great plain of Avignon, into which that district opens in a south-western direction, flanked on the east by a colossal Alp, called Mont Ventou, on whose long ridge traces of snow were still visible.

The property at the settlement now consisted of only two hundred muskets, two hundred swords, one hundred kegs of powder, three thousand pounds of bullets, three hundred pounds of lead, several bars of steel and of iron to be hammered into nails, and a tolerable supply of farming and mechanic tools. They had no ploughs, horses, or oxen.

In spite of Ralph's story about Oliver Cromwell, the elder brother had some land, though whether it was part of the original estates, or had been acquired since, I know not. He had no tenants, but farmed himself, and was therefore not shot at. The farming consisted principally, however, in breeding horses, in which he was very successful.

Her powers had barely sufficed for the cares of her household and her numerous family, and her endurance had consisted in 'suffering, and being still. No murmur had escaped, but only by force of silence.

The meal consisted of excellent soups, with a portion of the meat which had been boiled in it, potatoes, and brown bread, all very clean and good of their kind. I took a plate of the soup and a piece of the bread, and enjoyed both greatly.

It is probable that the draught consisted of a strong opiate, for after swallowing it I fell into a deep slumber; on my awaking, I found that the shadows of night had enveloped the earth we were still moving on. Shortly, however, after descending a declivity, we turned into a lane, at the entrance of which was a gate.

The humour of the whole thing consisted in the innocence of the lady, who fancied she had not explained herself sufficiently; and harassed with this idea, she pursued the courtier from the Court hall into the illuminated gardens, and there told him, and in language that admitted of no doubt, that she wished to marry him.

On the quarter towards the Indian camp was a square if square it might be called, which was almost triangular in form -of an immense size, surrounded by low buildings. These consisted of capacious halls, with wide doors or openings communicating with the square.

His meal always consisted of the same dishes, he always went out hunting at the same hour, coming back in the evening thoroughly fatigued. The king was ugly, but everything is relative, he was handsome compared with his brother, who was terrifically ugly. This brother never went anywhere without a picture of the Virgin, which Mengs had painted for him.