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Maurice must be found; I, Toby, must not rest until I bring Maurice back." He ran into the forest, he sniffed the air, for a few moments he rushed hither and thither; then, blaming himself for not putting his wits into requisition, he sat down on his haunches. There, in the forest of the Landes, Toby might have been seen putting on his considering-cap. Let no one laugh at him.

"Now, do put on your considering-cap at once, you wise old woman." "Yes, do show us the way out, for we can't have her here," said Briar. "It is absolutely impossible. She'll try to turn us into fine ladies, and she'll talk about the dresses we should have, and she'll want father to get some awful woman to come and live with us. She'll want the whole house to be turned topsy-turvy."

Pip, I'll put on my considering-cap, and I think all you want to do may be done by degrees. I'll look him up and go to work for you." "I thank you ten thousand times." "On the contrary," said he, "I thank you, for though we are strictly in our private and personal capacity, still it may be mentioned that there are Newgate cobwebs about, and it brushes them away."

With a couple of hundred cartridges, even if half of them are small shot " "We could kick up such a row, sir, as would make the niggers think we had no end of supplies. Let's get them, sir." "How, Pete?" "Oh, that means you are on, sir. How? Well, that wants a considering-cap and a little bit of thinkum-thinkum. How?

When, therefore, Farmer Miles and his wife entered the kitchen, it was to find the two girls and the dogs sound asleep. "Poor little lambs! Do look at 'em!" said Mrs. Miles. "They be wore out, and no mistake." "Let's lay 'em on the sofa along here," said Miles. "While they're having their sleep out you get the dinner up, wife, and I'll go out and put on my considering-cap."

If you will stay here for about half an hour while I am attending to something else, I will come back and we will see what scheme we can draw up." "Good," said Sir John, "and don't hurry back, for I am going to put on my considering-cap. This thing must be managed by hook or by crook." It was in this way that the great prize which caused such excitement in Cherry Court School was started.

It was very late past midnight but the gas burned full flare, its garish flame subdued by globes of tinted glass, and Mollie, on a low stool before the fire, was still in all the splendor of her pink silk dinner-dress, her laces, her pearls. Mollie's considering-cap was on, and Mollie's dainty brows were contracted, and the rosebud month ominously puckered.

Once the corn ripened it did n't take long to pull it, but Dad had to put on his considering-cap when we came to the question of getting it in. To hump it in bags seemed inevitable till Dwyer asked Dad to give him a hand to put up a milking-yard. Then Dad's chance came, and he seized it. Dwyer, in return for Dad's labour, carted in the corn and took it to the railway-station when it was shelled.