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"Do you wish me to compete openly for Clarence's favor with Bella Crestwick?" Mrs. Gladwyne spread out her hands in protest. "Oh, my dear!" she exclaimed. "I have said the wrong thing. I warned you that you might have to forgive me." "But the thought must have been in your mind!" "I only meant that you needn't repel or avoid him, as you have done of late." Millicent felt compassionate.

That's all. Hence Jesus Christ, on the Day of Judgment, will not ask parents and pastors of souls whether their schools could compete with infidel schools, but whether they did all in their power to secure the eternal welfare of their children by a good Catholic education.

The lackeys of public opinion, the worshippers of success, will never compete with us for it. But we shall be true to you, Christ despised and rejected, for we know that you will rise again from the tomb. "Avanti," Milan, May 1, 1916. Russian brothers, who have just achieved your great revolution, we have not merely to congratulate you; we have in addition to thank you.

They made him famous, and gained him the commission to paint the picture which is used as an illustration here. The brothers of the Scuola di San Rocco asked him to compete with Veronese, in painting the ceilings after he had done four pictures for their walls.

James utters his mind with a becoming fervour on the sanctity of truth to the novelist; on a more careful examination truth will seem a word of very debateable propriety, not only for the labours of the novelist, but for those of the historian. No art to use the daring phrase of Mr. James can successfully "compete with life"; and the art that seeks to do so is condemned to perish montibus aviis.

"It would be absurd of me to attempt to compete with the great folks; and all that they can ask from us is, that we should have a decent address and good manners." "But for all that, sir, I should belong to a better Club or two," the uncle answered: "I should give an occasional dinner, and select my society well; and I should come out of that horrible garret in the Temple, sir."

Well, he fell to tasting, and he soon grew eloquent in praise of the colonial juice, which he declared would, in another twenty years’ time, be fit to compete successfully with the best French vintages. Of course, the French gentlemen with us could not stand this; they spoke slightingly of the British colonial, and one of them even went so far as to call it rotgut.

A deeper sensation was in store for the spectators. Before Jenkins Hollis's appearance most of them had heard of his intention to compete, but the feeling was one of unmixed astonishment when entry No. 12 rode into the arena, and, on the part of the country people, this surprise was supplemented by an intense indignation. The twelfth man was Jacob Brice.

"The woodpecker well may despair of this feat Only the fly with you can compete! So much is clear; but I fain would know How you can so reckless and fearless go, Head upward, head downward, all one to you, Zenith and nadir the same to your view." We have now described the American nuthatch quartette, and will turn to other fields no less inviting, albeit more remote.

No elegiac poet could compete with Caroline, who utters elegy upon elegy: elegy in action, elegy in speech: her smile is elegiac, her silence is elegiac, her gestures are elegiac. Here are a few examples, wherein every household will find some of its impressions recorded: AFTER BREAKFAST. "Caroline, we go to-night to the Deschars' grand ball you know." "Yes, love."