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The very best lesson for a horseman, young or old, is colt-breaking; and if in the attempt the young horseman fails to do the colt justice, he will at least do him less injury than the country colt-breaker, or the generality of grooms.

All over-fresh horses should be led in this way; without it a horse will pull with the top of his head with force sufficient to beat any man. Keep the bar low, or even on the ground, as long as the horse is nervous. The whole affair of colt-breaking is an affair of patience, you cannot have too much forbearance: put off the evil day of force.

When fossil remains of the extinct postboy shall be discovered, it will be seen that he used the short rein, and with great propriety; since his horse may be said to have been alwaysau trot,” and needed only one degree of collection. Colt-breaking is the best possible lesson for the rider. The head-stall. The snaffle. Longeing. Saddling. Mounting. Sermon to the colt-breaker.

The action of the whip, by the turn of the wrist, on either side of the horse, is of every importance in lady’s riding, in colt-breaking, in riding the restive horse, and I had well nigh said, in hunting and race riding. The hunter invariably refuses by turning to the left. The restive horse invariably turns to the left. Have all horses joined in Holy Alliance to fight on one plan?

Now, for two years, all the horses sold at the reservation by the big brothers had been of her training, and the troopers vowed that no gentler, better mounts had ever been in the service. Her mother viewed the colt-breaking tremblingly, and the big brothers declared that the little girl would be buried some day with a broken neck.

He always had the same book that "Cardinal's Snuff-box" and pored over it with a strange persistence, that could not have been inspired by the book. There was no expression on his face of lively interest or pleasure, just an intent, dogged persistence; the strong, firm chin set as though he were colt-breaking.

Often we had talked about it since; wondered about the man who had lived in it, and what his life had been. This time we'd had all the horses in and were doing a bit of colt-breaking. Warrigal and Jim were both on young horses that had only been ridden once before, and we had come out to give them a hand. 'Do you know anything about that hut in the gully? I asked Starlight.

It'll take about ten days to get ready. Meanwhile you can take out another bunch of heifers with new calves. It seems to suit you and the calves and the heifers." When I returned from my third outing, hard and fit and happy, the Villicus asked me how soon I would be ready for colt-breaking. "Tomorrow," I said.

Quiet riding must do the rest, the main thing to keep the colt straight on, or to turn him, being the stick shown instantly on either side by the turn of the wrist. Thus far the practice of colt-breaking; and in this way the colt will be very easily tackled: I do not expect so easily to tackle his rider, but I will try.