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The Methodist will then acknowledge that he has much to learn from the Catholic; the Catholic will know the same of the Baptist; the Anglican of the Presbyterian; the Unitarian of the Anglican; and a co-operative universe be reflected in a co-operative Church. Each will lose something of his present cocksureness and exclusiveness.

Horace P. Curtis had partaken of a tonic in the shape of a highball. "Well!" she gasped. For once she was practically speechless, but she gave the astounded Devar a pitiless glance which said plainly: "Wait till I get my breath, young man, and I'll take some of the cocksureness out of you!" Steingall soon gathered his scattered wits. "Are you really speaking seriously, Mr. Curtis?" he asked.

Something in her was broken, melted, changed out of all recognition she was softer, weaker, more excited, more tender. She had lost much of her old swagger, her old cocksureness, for Martin had utterly surprised and tamed her. She had come to him in a scheming spirit of politics, and he had kept her in a spirit of devotion.

Mr. Chamberlain's mighty fabric of a war indemnity of millions which the financial arrangements of this Bill would inflict on England, melted before Mr. Sexton's examination palpably, rapidly, exactly as though it were a gaudy palace of snow which the midsummer sun was melting into mere slush. The cocksureness of Mr.

"I'm not wanting to dictate to you, lad," Charley said; "but I'm very much against your making a last raid. You've gone safely through rough times with rough men, and it would be a shame to have something happen to you at the very end." "But how can I get out of making a last raid?" I demanded, with the cocksureness of youth. "There always has to be a last, you know, to anything."

"I know these longbearded scientific nuts. They can find calamity around the corner quicker than a drunk can find a bar." "The discoverer of the Metamorphizer is a woman, so her long beard is doubtful," I told him, just a little irritated by his cocksureness. He laughed with as much ease at himself as at anything else. "A woman scientist, ay? Funny things womenll do when they can't get a man.

"There is no subject great or small" he wrote in "A Century of Science," "that has not come to be affected by this doctrine." Fiske is one of those defenders of the evolutionistic philosophy who irritate by reason of their cocksureness.

This is the very principle of Unionism: to apply like methods to things which are unlike. But in the calculation of details an ignorance was exhibited which passed the bounds of decency. Mistakes of five or six per cent are, in these complex affairs, not only to be expected but almost to be desired; they help to depress ministerial cocksureness.

For example: I suppose you wouldn't admit for a moment that a good woman might properly do things which would be entirely discreditable in a man?" He shook his head slowly and said: "Yesterday, or the day before, I might have said 'no, with all the cocksureness of a boy of twenty.

He played, indeed, with the cocksureness and individuality one might have expected; and Honora, forgetting at moments the disturbing elements by which she was surrounded, followed him with fascination. Occasionally his name rippled from one end of the crowded veranda to the other, and she experienced a curious and uncomfortable sensation when she heard it in the mouths of these strangers.