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But, anyway, I suppose Darrin has turned the coach and Hepson against me. I owe Darrin for that one!" Five minutes later another player of the second eleven was retired with an injured wrist. "Howard!" called the coach briskly. "Excused for to-day, sir," reported another player. "Any one but me!" growled Jetson. "Jetson!" sounded the head coach's heavy voice. Midshipman Jetson started.

With another gasp Gray, too, sprang lightly up. "Good!" he said heartily. No mortal fist could have laid Jason quite so low as that one word. The coach's whistle blew and Gray added carelessly: "Come around, Hawn, to the training-table to-night." No mortal command could have filled him with so much shame, and Jason stood stock-still and speechless.

Day after to-morrow we'll hold the final time-trial. Deacon, be careful; occasionally you clip your stroke at the finish." But Deacon didn't mind the admonition. He knew the coach's policy of not letting a man think he was too good. "You certainly bucked up that crew to-day, Deacon."

Richard Frayne met a couple more of the "Heavy Coach's" pupils as he crossed the Cathedral Close, where the calm silence of the old place ought to have quelled the angry throbbing in his veins; but it had an opposite effect, and the cries of the jackdaws which clung about the mouldering tower sounded like impish derisive laughter. "Anything the matter?" said one of the pair.

The mediocre man is quite likely to have absorbed as much football teaching ability as the star; and when his opportunity comes to coach, he sometimes gets more out of the men than the man with the big reputation. Personality counts in coaching. In addition to a coach's keen sense of football, there must be a strong personality around which the players may rally. All this inspires confidence.

The school paper was published on the twentieth of the month, and the December issue contained, among other features, a rather interesting résumé of the football season by Mr. Robey and a list of the games played to date. The coach's article was too long to reproduce, but the summary of the season's contests was brief enough to be set down here: Sept. 30 Brimfield 10; Thacher 3

"Well, we ain't goin' to have that balloon-ascension to-day, are we?" he demanded. "Here we've got down to the big games, and you haven't been up in the air yet. I tell you it ain't right." "But, Worry, I couldn't go off my head and get rattled just to please you, could I?" implored Ken. To Ken this strain of the coach's had grown to be as serious as it was funny. "Aw! talk sense," said Worry.