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At night you will hear the castle clock, which is said never once to have failed to strike the hour since Louis the Fourteenth put it in its place, tolling away your life as it has tolled away epochs. Amid these surroundings a man ill, lonely, threatened with blindness, can easily feel what I may call the spiritual challenge of the ages.

By the time they had frightened themselves pretty thoroughly the clock struck eleven and they thought it was time to retire. "Will you be afraid, Mrs. Condiment?" asked Capitola. "Well, my dear, if I am I must try to trust in the Lord to overcome it, since it is no use to be afraid.

And each time the clock struck she raised her tear-stained face and listened how were they in the other cells receiving this drawn-out, persistent call of death? But Musya was happy.

There was silence while the old clock on the mantel wheezed out a lugubrious eight strokes. "LORD, how it rains!" muttered Emily Barwick. Nine o'clock ten o'clock.

Not only that, but the vast armies of dead would overflow the hills and valleys beyond the city, and would stretch away all round it, God knows how far. When a church clock strikes, on houseless ears in the dead of the night, it may be at first mistaken for company and hailed as such. Once it was after leaving the Abbey and turning my face north I came to the great steps of St.

I crossed the courtyard quickly; but my candle went out, and I had some trouble in relighting it, which was very necessary, as I had to find my way in a maze of doors and passages. At last I reached my staircase, and passed the landing and the Sisters' chapel. I heard a distant clock strike midnight, went up another storey, and opened our door noiselessly.

There are a few people in the parlour just those who go to church with us. The clock has struck, and we'll start in half an hour. Jacqueline is in her room, and when she doesn't look like an angel she looks like her mother. You had best go upstairs. Mammy Chloe dressed her."

I hope you won't think me, therefore, guilty of impertinence, if I beg you not to bring any more ladies in at that time of night. The clock had struck two before one of them went away."

"My Goodness," he sighed, turning away sadly. "That makes me feel more like going with you than ever But my rheumatism is that bad I can't hardly " I didn't hear any more for Matthew had moved off, still mumbling, into the crowd that stood about the wharf. The clock in Puddleby Church struck noon and I turned back, feeling very busy and important, to the task of loading.

'I thought he was as right as the town clock. 'So did I, once. Hush! who comes here? The enemy, Franklin and Sampson Potts. Keep close. 'I'll speak to them. Good night, Potts. Up rather late to-night? 'All fair election time. You ain't snoring, are you? 'Well, I hope the best man will win. 'I am sure he will. 'You must go for Moffatt early, to breakfast at the White Lion; that's your sort.