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That is, he asked as well as any Christian and civilised goat could ask, by standing up on his hind legs like a circus-horse and making strange, unearthly noises.

The last two chapters of this stuff has related to early experiences, but now that it is probable the chaplain has got over being mad at my trading him the circus-horse, I will resume the march with the regiment.

It won't be long now before Dinkie has a pinto of his own and will go bobbing off across the prairie-floor, I suppose, like a monkey on a circus-horse. Even now he likes nothing better than coming with his mother while she gathers her "clutch" of eggs. He can scramble into a manger where my unruly hens persist in making an occasional nest like a marmoset.

Moving like a circus-horse about the great table of his laboratory, he would begin to tramp indefatigably round and round, so that his steps have worn in the tiles of the floor an ineffaceable record of the concentric track in which they moved incessantly for thirty years. His mind would grow clear and active as he walked, smoking his pipe and "using his marrow-bones."

I don't advertise myself for no circus-horse, but I knew dat trick better than most, an' dey was good to me in de stables, fer I saved time on de Belt an' time's what dey hunt in N' York." "But the simple child o' nature " the yellow horse began. "Oh, go an' unscrew yer splints! You're talkin' through yer bandages," said Muldoon, with a horse-laugh.

The chaplain was perspiring while I was asking the questions, and all the officers were looking at him as though he had caught a tartar, but he blushed, choked, and finally answered that perhaps he did wrong in trading me that mule, and he asked to be forgiven. Then I turned to the officers and said, "Gentlemen, I admit that I traded the spotted circus-horse to the chaplain.

I don't advertise myself for no circus-horse, but I knew dat trick better than most, an' dey was good to me in de stables, fer I saved time on de Belt an' time's what dey hunt in N' York." "But the simple child o' nature-" the yellow horse began. "Oh, go an' unscrew yer splints! You're talkin' through yer bandages," said Muldoon, with a horse-laugh.

"Seriously, Mada," he said after a moment but there was no answering seriousness in his face, which mocked as usual. "Seriously, now, I suppose you wouldn't admit what this DRESSUR, this HOHE SCHULE Guest is going through, might be of service to him in the end?" "No, indeed, I wouldn't," she answered hotly. "You talk as if he were a circus-horse.

She had not known love; she was in her five-and-twentieth year, and love was not only unknown to her, it was shut away from her by the lock of a key that opened on no estimable worldly advantage in exchange, but opened on a dreary, clouded round, such as she had used to fancy it must be to the beautiful creamy circus-horse of the tossing mane and flowing tail and superb step.

Tells How the Chaplain was Paralyzed by the Spotted Circus- Horse I am Court Martialed I Plead my own Case, and am Acquitted. In the last chapter I told of trading my circus-horse to the chaplain, and how the chaplain had rode away with the regiment for review, and I remained in camp, pretending to be sick. The result of that scheme on my part was not all my fancy painted it.