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That night, Gertrude again hurried down the hill to the doctor's houses and this time she brought him back with her. Her husband's illness had taken a turn for the worse, and the next day he died. A few days later a numerous company of mourners followed another black bier to the sunny church-yard. Steffan, the saddler, had been universally respected.

The Avon loiters past the church-yard, an exceedingly sluggish river, which might seem to have been considering which way it should flow ever since Shakspeare left off paddling in it and gathering the large forget-me-nots that grow among its flags and water-weeds.

I left the church-yard with my spirits once more lifted up, and set out a third time for London, in the character of an author. Here my companion made a pause, and I waited in anxious suspense; hoping to have a whole volume of literary life unfolded to me.

"I say again," said Phil, "I say my jolly ph-foolosophy eh foolosopher that is to say, you deal in foolosophy an ex-excellent trade for a fool I say again, you have brought me the wrong way, or misled me somehow upon my honor and reputation, Rimon, I rather think you're short of sense, my man. Come, I say, let us be off home again what the devil did you bring me to a church-yard for? eh?"

When soft! the dusky trees between, And down the path through the open green, Where is no living thing to be seen; And through yon gateway, where is found, Beneath the arch with ivy bound, Free entrance to the church-yard ground And right across the verdant sod, Towards the very house of God; Comes gliding in with lovely gleam, Comes gliding in serene and slow, Soft and silent as a dream.

Humphrey had reared a family of five children; three of them now slept in the village church-yard; the remaining two had married, and removed to a long distance from their paternal home, consequently the worthy couple had for some years dwelt alone in the home where once had echoed the glad voices of their children. They soon decided that, should Mrs.

And together they all set forth from the Haunted Chapel. It was a clear, cold, starlight night. The gravestones in the old church-yard glimmered gray among the brushwood, as the fugitives picked their way through it.

It was a blessed little church that, standing in a little meadow church-yard, with a low strong ancient tower, and great buttresses that put one in mind of the rock of ages, and a mighty still river that flowed past the tower end, and a picturesque, straggling, well-to-do parsonage at the chancel end.

But the whole of the little road of houses runs down the valley from the church-yard gate; and above the church, looking up the pretty valley, stands nothing but the mill and the plank bridge below it; and a furlong above that again the stone bridge, where the main road crosses the stream, and is consoled by leading to a big house the Moonstock Inn.

There was something evil and shrinking in his aspect, which I felt with a sort of chill, like the commencing fascination of a serpent. I often thought since that he had expected to see Wylder before him. The church-yard meteor expired, there was nothing in a moment but his ordinary smile of recognition. 'You're surprised to see me here, he said in his very pleasing low tones.