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Paterfamilias sat on the top step with his back to Chrysler, barring the stair rather awkwardly with his legs.

When Chrysler arrived next morning at the break in Chamilly's manuscript, the sun was rising high and shining upon the river and front hedge, and on the green lawn before the Ontarian's window, and he could see Haviland walking backwards and forwards meditatively across the grass waiting for him to descend to breakfast.

Chrysler moved away, and passing through the trees stood on the bank, looking down on the beach and the sunny surface of the River. He had helped to right one little matter anyway, in Dormillière.

Chrysler enquired. "Marlborough. That must have been originally enacted in the French camps that fought him in Flanders. I fancy the soldiers of Montcalm shouting it at night among their tents here as they held the country against the English." They drove along looking about the country and conversing.

As for Benoit, "il est tout en campagne," they said. In less expressive terms, "his mind was hopelessly wandering." To return to our current day however; in the evening Chamilly came into the drawing room with some more manuscript, which he handed to Chrysler. "Here is the rest of the story I have been writing," said he, "take it sir and may it amuse you a little; it is the key to the rest.

Bee retreated rapidly to Beasley's, thirty miles away to the southward on the Fort Jesup road, without making any further effort to stay or trouble the retreat of Banks. Word coming from Davis that he had been unable to find a crossing below, Emory, when he saw the enemy in retreat, sent Chrysler and Crebs in pursuit, supported by Cameron.

Chrysler and Genest, after reaching the Manoir, sat conversing under the large triple tree on the side of the lawn. "You have no idea of the simplicity of life here," l'Honorable philosophised. "We dwell as peacefully, in general, and almost as much in one spot as these great trees. After all, is there any condition in which mortal existence is happier than that of pure air and tranquility.

"Here," he said, "is my manufactory of reflections." "Take out a paper, Mr. Chrysler." Chrysler put forth his hand willingly, and withdrawing one, held it to the window and read as follows: "A great thought can be thought in any place. A great Empire may be planned in any corner." The second was a note from "GENERAL NEEDS." "What the country most requires is Devoted Men."

"My child," Chrysler said, for he saw that curiosity had led him too far: "Leave this to God, who is greater than you or I and knows every heart." "Monsieur, then, believes in God!" Her present astonishment was equal to that before. The rising voices of the children relieved him.

Chamilly turned to Chrysler as the school master ended, and said with a smile: "Do you not think there is enterprise in a people like this?" "Qu'il est triste d'etre vaincu! From Quinet who had been deliberately dealing with his dessert, now came words: "Mistaken impulses! Led after will o' the wisps by dreamers and designers!