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She leaned forward from her pillows, looked anxiously at the door, which was open into the hall, then whispered: "She said my son was Louis Champney's bastard; you don't believe it, do you?" For the space of a second Father Honoré shrank within himself. He could not tell at that moment whether he had here to do with an overwrought brain, with a mind obsessed, or with an awful fact.

Yet while he could not reconcile Miss Sally's confidences in the cemetery concerning the indifference of her people to Champney's attentions with what Champney had just told him of the reasons she had given HIM for declining them, I am afraid he was not shocked by her peculiar ethics.

Champney's hearty laugh rang out with no uncertain sound. "Seen her! I should say so. She's worth any 'primy donny', as you call them, that ever drew a good silver dollar out of my pockets. Oh, it's too good to keep! I must tell you; but you'll keep mum, Uncle Jo?" "Mum's the word, ef yer say so, Champ." They turned from The Greenbush and arm in arm paced slowly up the street again.

But this was the first time Glenn had ever really fallen in love, and he fell headlong, with an impetuous ardor that all but swept him off his feet, and that was like strong wine to Nancy, whose drink heretofore had been lukewarm water. He didn't know whether or not she was Mr. Champney's sole heir, and he didn't care: what difference could that make?

Formerly he stood before the priest with level eyes, now he was shorter by an inch of the six feet that were once his. He noticed the hands the hands of the day-laborer. He managed to reply to Champney's last remark without betraying the emotion that threatened to master him. "Outwardly, yes; things have changed and will continue to change. The town is making vast strides towards citizenship.

I haven't lived twenty-six years for nothing, and what I've seen, I've seen and I've no near-sighted eyes to trouble me either; and what I've heard, I've heard, for my ears are good regular long-distance telephones sometimes." She was not prepared for the next move on Mrs. Champney's part. "I believe you would marry him now after all, if he asked you." She spoke with a sneer.