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FRANCIS. Horace, Epistles, i. 8. 12. In the first two editions Mr. Cambridge's speech ended here. 'More constant to myself, I leave with pain, By hateful business forced, the rural scene. FRANCIS. Horace, Epist., I. 14. 16. See ante, p. 167. Fox, it should be remembered, was Johnson's junior by nearly forty years. See ante, i. 413, ii. 214, and Boswell's Hebrides, Oct. 2. See ante, i. 478.

If you calmly reflect upon it, you will discover that your duty lies in carefully shunning him." Mr. Cambridge's reasonings suggested views to my understanding, that had not hitherto occurred. I could not but admit their validity, but they shewed, in a new light, the depth of that misfortune in which my brother was plunged. I was silent and irresolute.

The conception of the latter scene is quite the best to be found in the whole of Ada Cambridge's work, and has not been equalled in its kind by any other Australian writer. The simplicity and verbal reticence of this chapter of intense feeling gives also a good sample of the author's style of expression. Seldom ornate or much studied, it is ever a lucid and easy style.

But he is not disgraced by these lapses to the extent that the author anticipates; at all events, they make him more human than he could otherwise have been. It is this power of infusing a robust humanity into her characters that makes the distinctive feature of Ada Cambridge's best novels.

And this morning also, some of the Cambridge's men come up from Portsmouth, by order from Sir Fretcheville Hollis, who boasted to us the other day that he had sent for 50, and would be hanged if 100 did not come up that would do as much as twice the number of other men: I say some of them, instead of being at work at Deptford, where they were intended, do come to the office this morning to demand the payment of their tickets; for otherwise they would, they said, do no more work; and are, as I understand from every body that has to do with them, the most debauched, damning, swearing rogues that ever were in the Navy, just like their prophane commander.

The influence of Ada Cambridge's twenty-five years' Australian experience is shown in her general outlook upon life, rather than in the details of her work.

"It woulda bin a fair trade.... Sonny, heah, ain't got place in the company anyhow " "Get!" Drew's weapon raised a fraction of an inch. Cambridge's protest thickened into a mumble and he went. When both men had disappeared, Drew turned to Boyd. "Put that away " he flicked a finger at the other's Colt "and mount up. We'll have to push to get back to the troop."

As the general effect of Ada Cambridge's teaching, so far as it can be gathered from her plots, and the few instances in which she has permitted herself anything in the shape of didactic expression, is to make us more patient with life's complexities and perceptive of its compensations, and more content with whatever happiness may be drawn in our way by the chain of accidents called Destiny, so do her principal characters, in their foibles and their strength in the little acts and impulses which qualify alike their heroism and their baseness tend to make us more discriminative and charitable.