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There was a buzz of excitement among the Masons and those of their friends who had heard about the runaways over the appearance of Sallie and Celia when they came on the screen. As the party reached the lobby after the end of the last reel, Walter expressed his opinion emphatically regarding the runaway girls. "I declare!

Then, upon the night, came a sound faint-stirring wings a long-drawn buzz and rush of air deep notes that gripped the ground, far off and the pulse of pounding wheels behind them, along the dark road.... And Achilles seized the child by the shoulder, bearing her forward toward the short grass his quick-running hand thrusting her down "Lie still!" he whispered.

They had gone through with the minuet and the pantomimes; and Charlotte, in a peaked hat and a big flowered brocade gown rich with tambour lace, had sung "like a nightingale," as more than one declared, and now the room was in a buzz of applause. Old Mr.

"A big salvage steamer is coming down to-morrow to give an air of verisimilitude to the proceedings. Patrol boats will buzz about the Sound, and the potentates, naval and civil, will gather from all parts. The unfortunate wrecks out at Picklecombe Point will be guarded so that no shore boat can get within half a mile. They won't bear a very close inspection.

I sat, one afternoon, in the corner of a great, glassy, silvered saloon, a free lunch at my one elbow, at the other a "conscientious nude" from the brush of local talent; when, with the tramp of feet and a sudden buzz of voices, the swing-doors were flung broadly open and the place carried as by storm.

I'll take the other one any way you can get him." He switched off, and waited, pacing the control cabin like a caged animal. Ten minutes later a buzzer sounded. "Hydroponics, boss. All clear." "No sign of them?" "Nothing." Another buzz. "Number seven ore hold. Nothing here." Still another buzz. "Crew's quarters. Nothing, boss." One by one the reports came in.

The grasshoppers move in clouds with snap and buzz, and out of the luxurious stagnant marshes comes the ever-thickening chorus of the toads, while above them the kildees and the snipe shuttle to and fro in sounding flight.

Certainly there is nothing spiritual in the song of the chaffinch. There he sits within sight, motionless, a little bird-shaped automaton, made to go off at intervals of twelve or thirteen seconds; but unfortunately one hears with the song the whirr and buzz of the internal machinery.

"I've nothing to keep me here, you know. What's the matter with my popping over to America and finding Jill?" Freddie tramped the floor, aglow. Each beat of his foot jarred Derek, but he made no complaint. "Could you?" he asked eagerly. "Of course I could. I was saying only the other day that I had half a mind to buzz over. It's a wheeze!

"We're in Condition Yellow; what's General Quarters?" "Red, with a wavering buzz. I do not have a battle station, so I would remain here unless told otherwise by a senior officer." "Right again!" Sunbeam looked around. "I think that's all here. So unless you need something else . . ." Her voice trailed off, and she pointed to Corina's neck. "Is that blood?" "Oh."