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"Fall in," he shouted, but did not mount his horse. The gentlemen assembled with their horses and faced him in line, dismounted, I in front of the centre of the troop. How clearly I can see every feature and detail of that morning's scene, and hear every word and sound. "Tell off by sections," commanded Burker. "One, two, three, four one, two, three, four...." There were exactly six sections.

A door could not frighten you but you would surely be alarmed at its persistently opening, each time you shut, locked, and bolted it, if it acted thus. Of Burker I had no fear but I was perturbed by the fact that the dead could ride with the living. When I gave the order "Dismiss" at the end of the parade Burker rode away, as he had always done, in the direction of his bungalow.

Publish our shame and perhaps brand me that wretched thing the willingly deceived and complaisant husband. What could I do by challenging Burker? He was a champion man-at-arms, a fine boxer, and a younger, stronger man, I should merely experience humiliation and defeat. What could I do?

I was strong enough to accept this position and to risk the accusation of murder, from my conscience, from the Devil, or from man." Any doubt I might otherwise have had was forestalled and inhibited by the obvious Fate that placed Burker in the one spot favourable to my scheme of punishment. God had willed it? God had not prevented it. Surely God was consenting unto it.... And Dolores?

Dolores was buried that evening and I returned to an empty house. I believe opinion had been divided as to whether I was callous or "stunned" but the sight of her little shoes caused pains in my throat and eyes. Had Burker been then alive I would have killed him with my hands and teeth. Yes, teeth.

Having been bred in a "gentle" home I naturally took the attitude of "as you please, my dear Dolores" and refrained from bullying when quiet indication of the inevitable end completely failed. Whether she intended to act in a reasonable manner and show some wifely traits when my £250 of legacy and savings was quite dissipated I do not know. Burker came before that consummation.

And she was an arrant, incorrigible, shameless flirt. Well I do not know that a virtuous vulgar dowd is preferable to a wicked winsome witch of refined habits and person, and I should probably have gone quietly on to bankruptcy without any row or rupture, but for Burker.

I felt I had no right to put him in the position of having to choose between denouncing me and condoning a murder compounding a felony. One owes something to one's ancestors as well as to oneself. Well, perhaps it was a hallucination. I would wait. At the next drill Burker was present and rode as Number Three in Section Six.

That a man has property, that he has connections, that he is likely to be missed and sought for, are circumstances which secure him against the Burker. It is curious to observe the difference between murders of this kind and other murders. An ordinary murder hides the body, and disposes of the property. Bishop and Williams dig holes and bury the property, and expose the body to sale.

Several gentlemen of the Mounted Infantry were waiting about, some standing by their horses, some getting bandoliers, belts, and rifles, some cantering their horses round the ground. Sergeant Burker strode out of the Orderly Boom. "Morning, Smith," said he. "How's the Missus?" I looked him in the eye and made no reply. He laughed, as jeering, evil, and caddish a laugh as I have ever heard.