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He looked like a decayed gentleman a man who had been a military dandy in the days that were gone, and who had all the old pretensions still, without the power to support them a Brummel languishing at Caen; a Nash wasting slowly at Bath.

The 'Union Jack, the 'Sash and Marlin-spike' Military Clubs. 'The True Blue, the 'No Surrender, the 'Blue and Buff, the 'Guy Fawkes, and the 'Cato Street' Political Clubs. 'The Brummel' and the 'Regent' Dandy Clubs. The 'Acropolis, the 'Palladium, the 'Areopagus, the 'Pnyx' the 'Pentelicus, the 'Ilissus' and the 'Poluphloisboio Thalasses' Literary Clubs.

I was so interested in going over the conversation in my mind, that I forgot to feel like Beau Brummel with one paw up in his glass case; and though I daresay ten minutes had passed, it hardly seemed two, when a wonderful little black image in the shape of a boy came sidling up to me, all rolling white eyes, and red grin, like a nice Newfoundland puppy.

Scarcely anything in appearance, everything in the root, such was the influence of Barkilphedro over the queen. There is nothing more difficult than to drag up these bad grasses of the court they take a deep root, and offer no hold above the surface. To root out a Roquelaure, a Triboulet, or a Brummel, is almost impossible.

Pickpocket George Barrington, who came out in Governor Phillip's time, once the Beau Brummel of his branch of rascality, had settled down into a respectable settler, and was in King's government, superintendent of convicts, at £50 a year wages. Margarot, one of the "Scotch martyrs," also fell foul of King, who sent him to Hobart for seditious practices.

Of good family, with an independent income large enough to make him free from the necessity of work, and small enough to keep him from the time-using diversions of extravagance, with a knowledge of wines, and a bent for selecting the proper kind of buttons for the coat in which to attend a cock-fight, he was the man for his circle and age. A Brummel? Hardly that.

The "Sunday blood," the super-superb sartorial equestrian of our annual Fast-day, is not imposing or dangerous. But such fellows as Brummel and D'Orsay and Byron are not to be snubbed quite so easily. There was Alcibiades, the "curled son of Clinias," an accomplished young man, but what would be called a "swell" in these days.

They're fearfully particular about that sort of thing in England." "Dey's to de bad," said the baffled disciple of Beau Brummel, with deep discontent. "And there's just one more thing, Spike. I know you'll excuse my mentioning it. When we're at Dreever Castle, you will find yourself within reach of a good deal of silver and other things.

The young Beau Brummel hung up his hat and cane, sank into the easiest chair in the room, and selected a cigarette from a gold-initialed case. "At your service, sir," he said languidly. "Wild Rose on Wild Fire," shouted the announcer through a megaphone trained on the grand stand. Kirby Lane, who was leaning against the fence chatting with a friend, turned round and took notice.

Brummel himself asked the name of his laundress, and would probably have employed her had not misfortunes compelled that great man to fly the country. Pendennis's coat, his white gloves, his whiskers, his very cane, were perfect of their kind as specimens of the costume of a military man en retraite.