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"Well, of course you know, and I know, that they're scurrilous lies; but just how will you stop them?" I had intended my remark to stand as it was; but Worth filled in the pause after Vandeman's question with, "Jerry's here to get the truth of my father's murder, Bronse." "Murder?" The mere naked word seemed to shock Vandeman. His sort clothe and pad everything even their speech.

And to think of your getting a perfectly good man, right at the last minute this way, and not having to tag on to Bronse and Ina or something like that! I think you're the lucky girl," and she clutched Cummings' offered payment to stow it with other funds she had collected. At last they got themselves out of the room and left us alone with Cummings.

Ina Vandeman wheeled where she stood and faced the room, both hands thrown up, laughing. "It was meant to be a joke a great, big foolish joke!" her high treble rang out. "Bron's here somewhere. Wait. He'll tell you better than I could. At a masquerade people do they do foolish things.... They " "Is Bronse Vandeman here?" I questioned Fong Ling.

"The boys have got it started again," Jim Edwards joined me in the hall, his tone still lowered and odd from the amazement of the thing. "Curious, that business in there yesterday," a nod indicated the little writing room toward which we moved. "Bronse stepping in, brisk and cool, for you to question him; pleasant, ordinary looking chap.

"Suppose you were shown that she wasn't out of her mother's house?" "Wouldn't stop me. Allow that her alibi's perfect. Yet you men have something. There's something here I ought to know." "Something you'll never find out from me," Jim Edwards' deep voice was full of defiance. "Bronse, I owe you an apology; but you can depend on me to keep my mouth shut."

"Bronse has a complete Mandarin costume; we lead the grand march as the emperor and empress of Mongolia. Don't you think it's a good idea?" "First rate." Worth spoke in his usual unexcited fashion, and it was difficult to say whether he meant the oriental idea or the appearance of the girl who stood before him.

Her eyes looked as though she'd been crying; they flashed a hostile glance over the new brother-in-law, excellently groomed, the big flower favor on his coat, the tall, beautiful sister, all frilly white and flower festival fashion. "If Worth's proved innocent!" she flung at them. "Bronse Vandeman, you've got a word too many in when you say that."

"Off take his mask off! Do it yourself!" Barbara's voice was clear and steady. I made three big jumps of the space between us and the leading couple. Vandeman's committee-men obstructed me, the excited yip going amongst them. "Vandeman Bronse Vannie Who let this fool in here? Do we throw him out?"

Told you I thought the man was crazy." "And you, Edwards?" "Let it go as Bronse says. I cut back to Mrs. Thornhill's, scouting to see what the chance was for getting Ina in without the family knowing anything." "That's right," Vandeman said. "I stayed to fetch her. She was fine. To the last, she let Gilbert save his face actually send her home as though she were the one to blame.

On my honor, Bronse, I never mentioned your name or Ina's. The Chinaman told him that about some woman coming that evening " "Mr. Vandeman," I broke in, "there's no use beating about the bush. Chung recognized your wife's voice. She was the woman who came weeping to get those diary leaves." He took that with astonishing quietness, and,